Page 16 of Malibu Heat

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“I need to go to my room,” I say. “I need–”

“You need to nest,” he says, as though reading my mind, and the word amplifies the desperation in my veins. I might not know what exactly I need right now, but Ken does, and that fact comforts me.

He has me.

My mate has me.

I’ve heard heats are hell to suffer through by yourself, but he won’t leave me alone. He’ll fuck me through it, knotting me repeatedly until it passes.

At least, I hope he will. Otherwise, I’ll be fucked in the not-so-fun way.

“Yes,” I nod, grabbing onto his shoulders to keep me grounded. “Take me upstairs. Please.”

I barely recognize my voice as I beg, pleading for Ken to take me upstairs. I want to tear off this dress and bury myself in the soft, comforting linens of my bed. I want to wrap myself in a blanket and curl up into the fetal position.

“Of course,” Ken says, slipping out of my grip to get to his feet. I whimper as another cramp twists in my abdomen, but I don’t have time to say anything before Ken scoops me into his arms and turns toward the stairs.

He carries me effortlessly up to the second floor and down the short hallway to my bubblegum-colored bedroom. My bed is an overly decorated king-sized bed that sits in the middle of the room beneath a shimmering, mirrored ceiling and chandelier.

I stare at it longingly as Ken carries me across the floor, wondering how I never saw it before. What beta in their right mind has this many pillows and blankets on their bed?

One who’s not really a beta.

When he sets me down, I kick off my shoes–it’s a miracle I’m still wearing them–and start peeling off my dress. It’s too constricting, sticking to my skin like glue, and as it drops to the floor, I don’t even care that I’m standing in nothing but my underwear.

Ken watches me carefully without saying a word, and I dive onto the bed, swimming against the silky soft bedspread. It’s cool against my heated skin, which only seems to be getting hotter at this point, and I grab for all the pillows I can.

Even though there are tons, it’s not enough. I want a nest of soft, comfortable fabrics stacked to the ceiling so I can bury myself and never come out.

As long as it’s big enough for Ken to fit, too.

I glance up at him as I start arranging the pillows and blankets into the perfect shape, arranging and then rearranging when things aren’t quite right. He’s patient, I’ll give him that, and he still has all his clothes on. What a bummer.

I can’t wait to see what he looks like without those shorts.

At the thought, slick gushes between my thighs, and I gasp, my core clenching hard. The desire I have for Ken to fuck me into the mattress is intense, and it’s only getting stronger as the minutes pass.

I know there are a thousand things I should probably be doing right now–like telling my entire family and Kristie that I’m a fucking omega and scheduling my real estate posts to go up tomorrow, since I’ll probably be incapacitated–but they’re all overridden. Completely drowned out by the growing need to have Ken inside me, to be knotted for the first time, to shatter apart on his cock over and over again.

My stomach cramps, and I whimper, the hot ache almost strong enough to take my breath away.

“Ken,” I pant, looking at him in a panic. The nest is good enough–not perfect, but it’ll work. My heart is racing in my chest, bouncing off my ribs like a ping pong ball. “I need you.”

“I’m coming,” he says, pulling off his shirt and tossing it to the floor.

His torso is perfectly chiseled, like it’s carved out of tanned marble, and he kicks his shoes off by the bed. He crawls into the nest still wearing his shorts and presses me back onto the mattress, the weight of his body creating a delicious swirl of heat low in my belly.

“I’m here.” He gazes down at me longingly, his bright eyes darkened with lust.

I open my mouth to demand he remove the shorts, but he presses his lips against mine eagerly, his tongue darting into my mouth to tangle with mine. His hand dances over my naked skin, leaving tingles in its wake, trailing down my side and landing on the thin fabric of my panties. Teasing the elastic, he breaks our kiss and peppers kisses around my neck.

“I’m not going to leave you alone.” His voice is a rumbly growl against my skin as he cups one of my breasts and slides down my body to suck my nipple into his mouth.

My eyes close, and my clit throbs with need as his tongue runs circles around my nipple. He sucks and nibbles before moving to the other one, giving it just as much attention, and the cramps intensify, drawing a pitiful whimper from my lips. He pulls off my nipple at my whine and slides my panties off.

He carelessly throws them off the side of the bed and slides down toward the foot of the mattress, his face settling between my thighs. My pussy throbs, dripping wet and desperate for him, and my clit is so swollen, it aches.

I arch my hips toward his mouth. I need friction. I need to sate my sky-rocketing libido.
