Page 89 of One Look

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Would have been nice to say that to your face before you ran out the door in a panic.

My heart clunked and I couldn’t breathe.

Wyatt had listened to my ramblings about love languages? Holy shit.

I care about you too. Next time I’ll try not to run.


It’s okay if you do. I’ll chase you down.

* * *

The Bluebirds werein rare form tonight. As soon as I’d walked into Bluebird Books, the chitter died down, and a sea of owl eyes stared at me. I wiped at my mouth, wondering if the remnants of my lemon blueberry scone were still stuck to my face.

Bug looked irate, and when she turned back to Tootie, the conversation picked right up again. I hustled in and set the bottle of wine I’d picked up on the table. My phone buzzed in my pocket, but I ignored it when I saw Cass.

Cass lifted her hand in greeting, and I hurried to her side. “What’s going on? Why is everyone so mad?”

Cass grabbed my arm and lowered her voice. “Trouble.”

“What kind of trouble? Is everyone okay?”

Cass shook her head. “Some kids down at the Sand Dollar got into it. They were arrested for fighting on the beach. Kings and Sullivans.Again.”

Worry swirled in my stomach. “What do you mean some kids at the Sand Dollar? What kids?”

Cass only shrugged, and I stood. “Excuse me, Tootie? What’s going on?”

She turned from the tense discussion she was having with Bug and a few other ladies.

“This is getting out of control.” Mrs. Fritz shook her head. “People are going to stop coming to Outtatowner if it becomes a town that isn’t safe. Where people arefightingon the beach where families are trying to enjoy our town!”

Tootie stepped forward and gripped my shoulders. “There was trouble at the beach. It may have been one of Wyatt’s boys, but I’m not certain.”

Oh no.

Dread pooled in my stomach, and I could feel the blood drain from my face. I needed to call him—warn him if one of the boys had gotten into trouble.

After I pulled my phone from my pocket, I saw a slew of missed texts from Joey.



We need help.

Don’t tell Coach.

Kev and Mike got arrested. I don’t know what to do.

This wasn’t good.Double shit.

I grabbed my bag and headed straight for the door. “I have to go,” I called out to no one in particular.

Once there, I looked left and then right. I had no idea where the police station was. Across the road, I spotted Bootsy and called out to him.

I ran up, breathless.
