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The thought of it all—the reckless, delicious reality of getting thoroughly fucked in his kitchen—sent an orgasm tearing through me. I tucked my forehead against the table, doing everything I could to stay silent as the waves of pleasure crashed over me.

Two hands gripped my hips, and Wyatt pumped into me. His cock swelled, and with one final push, as deep as he could go, he came.

The stillness of the kitchen blanketed us. Only our low pants filled the silence. His hands were gentle as they caressed my lower back and over my hips.

“I don’t think I can move,” I whispered. My unsteady legs shook beneath me. “Do you think we were quiet enough?”

His touch was gentle as he slipped my thong back up my legs and smoothed my skirt back in place.

He kissed me on the ass before chuckling softly. “I think we’re okay. You were a good girl, but you bit the shit out of my finger.”

I turned to face him and smiled, gripping his hand. I brought his finger to my mouth and held his gaze, then kissed the side of it before swirling my tongue around it and sucking.

I had never been so bold, so openly sexual with anyone, and it was delightfully sinful. Wyatt grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my mouth to his.

After he kissed me breathless, he warned, “From now on, no more favors and promises to any other man but me.”



As far asI could tell, Outtatowner had kept its promise, and word of the fight between Lucian King and the boys hadn’t gotten beyond the small-town rumor mill. It seemed people were more interested in drumming up speculation about a potential love triangle between Lark, Royal, and me than some college kids getting into a stupid fight.

It also didn’t help that Royal had an arrogant smile plastered on his face when I saw him driving through town.

What a dick.

I still felt it was my duty to remind the boys of how serious something like a fight was, which was why they were all standing in front of me, looking appropriately chastised.

“Now, I want to tell you something.”

All three had their heads hung low and shoulders slumped.

“Your actions were reckless, stupid, and dangerous. You need to think about how every choice you make will influence the next ten years, not just the next ten minutes.”

The boys answered in sullen unison. “Yes, sir.”

“If you’re going to haul off and pop someone, it better be for a damn good reason.”

Michael’s head whipped up. “But Coach—”

I raised my hand. “I’m not finished.”

“Like I said, it better be for a damn good reason. Defending a woman, or a friend, might be reason enough.”

They all looked up at me, surprised.

I let a small smile twitch at my mouth. “Another good reason is putting a King in his place.” Slowly their grins matched mine. “It was stupid, but I’m proud of you. Just don’t let it happen again.”

“Yes, sir.” Their response was significantly more upbeat. I gestured with my head toward the door. “Now get out of here. Lee needs your help at the fire station.”

All three mumbled athanksand rushed toward the door, letting the screen close with a bang. They needed a consequence, but my heart wasn’t really in it, so I’d talked to Lee, and he’d agreed the boys could wash trucks and clean the fire station. If it ever came up, I could say that they’d received a punishment, but I wasn’t all that worried about it. I hadn’t heard a thing from the athletic board.

Penny and Lark had run off for a day at the beach, and before they’d left, I’d teased her to avoid the dunes. She’d smiled and I’d winked.

Trying to focus on work and not on the way Lark’s smiles had a way of sticking with me, I used my phone to check the calendar. I smiled at the color-coded days—work from home. I had a few meetings to work around but nothing too pressing. If I was lucky, I would be able to join them on the beach.

In the office, I went through several emails, watched recruitment films of potential athletes, and returned calls from parents eager to give their players a leg up on the upcoming season. Overall, I felt good about our lineup, and if no one got into any more trouble—or broken pinkies, for Christ’s sake—we would be ready to start the fall season strong.
