Page 75 of One Chance

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“Totally fine. I’m all settled in. It’s a cute place. Thanks again.”

Lark laughed. “Don’t thank me. I’m thrilled to have you close by! Besides, you’re family.” Her hand found my knee and squeezed. My heart thumped.

I’m family now, but what if things don’t work out with Lee? Would you still feel the same?

Tamping down the intrusive thoughts, I forced a smile.

Kate leaned over. “Please tell me you burned that god-awful chair.”

I blinked, schooling my face and willing the heat forming in my chest not to move north to my cheeks and totally give us away.

“I tried to throw it away,” Lark cut in, “but Wyatt said it was Lee’s ceremonial chair or some shit.” She put both palms up. “I have no idea.”

Kate made a gagging sound, and we laughed.

Was it wrong that I was more than happy to be counted among the women to be thoroughly fucked by Lee Sullivan on that green chair? Probably.

Did I still smile every time the chair caught my eye? You’re damn right.

* * *

The sun kissedmy skin as I stood on the beach, taking in the sight of the sandcastle competition and sand volleyball games. It was the much-anticipated Beach Games date.

My heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation.

As I watched Lee approach, he pulled a wagon with an arsenal of professional sandcastle-building tools—shovels, trowels, buckets in different sizes with the bottoms cut out, even a bristle brush.

I tipped my face to the sun and laughed.

“Seriously?” I eyed the tools. “Are we building a sand kingdom?”

He grinned, mischief dancing in his eyes. “You bet. We’re not just here to participate. We’re here to dominate.”

His playful banter and intense stare sent shivers down my spine. He sauntered up to me, wrapping one arm around my middle and kissing me, right in front of everyone and without a care in the world. The sexual tension between us was palpable, growing stronger with each touch.

I pulled away. Internally, I was still navigating this uncharted territory of a romantic relationship with Lee, totally unsure of how to proceed. But every touch, every stolen kiss, ignited a fire within me that refused to be ignored.

Bug and Tootie stood before the crowd, pointing out the roped-off area for the sandcastles, introducing the newly matched couples, and giving the rules for the judges.

When Lee looked at me with determined eyes, I wiggled my eyebrows. As we began constructing our sandcastle, Lee’s competitive streak took over. He meticulously molded the sand, his focused gaze fixed on our creation. The sand flew as he expertly sculpted turrets and intricate details. My background in pottery made it easy to get the sand-to-water ratio right, and while others struggled with crumbling structures, ours were built and stacked with ease.

“Let’s get the basic structures done, and then you can add the magic.”

“Magic?” I swiped a hand across my sweaty forehead.

Lee waved a hand over the rough sandcastle. “Yeah ... all the cool designs and shit.”

I barked out a laugh and shook my head.

“Then,” he added, “we’ll add the best part.”

My head whipped in his direction. I knew that tone.


He wouldn’t look at me.

“Lee. What do you have planned?”
