Page 155 of Pucker Factor

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“Same as always.”

“I wish I could come for a visit, but I can’t get the time off work.”

I gritted my teeth at his lack of news. Since the calls were monitored, he always spoke as if he was a friend, not the man who purposely put me in here to get a notorious criminal out of prison, all to get to his father.

“You know, after a year, I didn’t really expect you to come.”

“I’ll be there when I can.”

“Uh-huh,” I snorted. “Keep telling yourself that.”

I hung up the phone and stood. I knew what I was signing up for when I took this job. There was no way to sugarcoat how awful prison was. Sharing a cell with a man who took pleasure in murdering others was the best part of this job. Constantly watching my back was exhausting, and even if I did trust Rico, sleeping in the same cell was difficult at best. I hadn’t had more than four hours of sleep in one night since a week before I murdered that cop. I doubted that would change any time in the future.

I was guided back to my cell since my time in the gym was over. Rico was sitting on the bottom bunk, and raised an eyebrow as I entered.

“Good news?”

“Mind your own fucking business,” I snapped, not in the mood for chit-chat. I might have to keep his ass alive, but that didn’t mean I’d become his friend.

“Had some good news myself yesterday.”

I didn’t say a word.

“Looks like I’ll be out of here within the month.”

“If someone doesn’t kill you first,” I muttered. Hell, I’d like to do the job myself. There were many nights I considered shanking the asshole just for the pleasure of never hearing his voice again. But that would defeat the purpose of this entire job. And I didn’t sell my soul to the devil just to ruin everything.

The door buzzed and a guard entered, his eyes flicking to mine before sliding over to Rico. “On your feet,” he ordered.

Like the lazy fucker he was, Rico slowly got out of bed, smirking at the guard as he shoved his hands in his pockets. The guard’s nostrils flared at the lack of respect shown to him. He stormed forward with his baton and swung at Rico, aiming for his head. I stepped in at the last minute, knowing this was going to cost me.

I twisted the baton out of his grip and slammed him up against the wall, the baton pressed up against his throat. He gasped for air the harder I pressed, his eyes bulging with every moment that passed. And the fucker would have died if not for the second guard that ran into the cell and grabbed me from behind, tossing me into the opposite wall. A swift kick to the stomach had me bending over and gasping for air, but it wasn’t over yet. Rico joined in the fight, grabbing the guard from behind, only to be attacked by the first guard.

I rushed forward, slamming the second guard into the wall, my fist hammering into his face over and over until he was knocked out with blood dripping from his face. I heard a sickening crunch and turned just in time to see the first guard fall to the floor, his neck broken as Rico stood over him, heaving with the exertion from his fight.

Then he shoved his hands in his hair and stepped back, freaking the fuck out. “Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Fuck!”

“Get on the fucking bed,” I ordered. “Now!”

He turned and grabbed the bed, hauling himself up. Two seconds later, four guards stormed into the cell, staring at the men on the floor and then at me. The first one came at me hard, swinging his baton straight into my side. The second one was lights out. I barely saw the hit coming right before the baton smashed into the side of my head.

When I woke up hours later, it was in that black fucking hole.

