Page 18 of Hazing Her

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“You are on the third floor. If you come with me, we can get you settled.” Pausing to look at the bags slung over my shoulder, his Southern charm gets turned way up. “Do you need help with your belongings?”

“Thanks, I can manage.”

“Suit yourself,” he says with a shrug, walking in the opposite direction.

Racing to catch up with Gage at the elevators, I chastise myself. Guys don’t usually flirt so blatantly with me, fearing the wrath of my father.

The ping of the elevator focuses my attention on the dorm. We exit and start down a long hallway lined with doors. The squeaking of my tennis shoes on the linoleum floor is loud compared to the muffled tones coming from some of the rooms. Some of the decorations on the various doors draw my attention, giving me ideas for my own door.

Stopping at the farthest end of the hall, Gage knocks on the door to our right. When no one answers, he uses the key in his hand to let us in. My eyebrows hit my hairline at his brazenness, hoping this wasn’t typical behavior. Unable to hold it in, I voice that very thought.

“Do you always just let yourself into the rooms, or is this just for my benefit?”

Again, my tone is unfriendly, but I don’t want some random guy letting himself into my room when the urge strikes him.

Gage ignores my question, pushing the door open and stepping to the side, letting me pass. Making myself as small as possible so our bodies don’t brush against each other, he chuckles.

“I don’t bite, sweetheart…unless you want me to.”

He shoots me a quick wink before setting the key down and walking out, pulling the door closed behind him.

Taking in the room, half is already decorated in pastel purple. The bed on the left is neatly made. Heaving a sigh that my new roommate is neat, my shoulders fall as I turn, spotting the mess of clothes on the floor, preventing the closet from closing.

Dropping my stuff on the empty bed, my exploration continues. A second door, in the far corner of the room, is ajar. Peering in, there is another door opposite the one I am standing in. This is obviously a shared bathroom containing a double sink, toilet, and large shower.

Grabbing my new room key and my car keys, I start the arduous task of unloading and unpacking. Eyes bore into my back with each trip. No one approaches to help me; just look on, questions of my sudden appearance obvious.

It took a while to get my car emptied, and my entire body was sore. Determined to get everything in order before my meeting in the morning, I don’t stop.

Now, late in the afternoon, my stomach rumbles as the last of my unpacking is close. The soft bang of the door closing startles me. Looking up, I peer into the disapproving face of who must be my roommate. Putting a smile on my face and straightening my posture, I approach with my hand extended.

“Hello, I am Kennedy.”

“Calista,” is all she says, her tone flat.

Still keeping my tone pleasant despite her apathy, “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Yeah, you too,” she says dismissively.

Calista drops some stuff on her desk, giving me a side eye, and leaves again immediately. Brushing off her lukewarm reception, my unpacking resumes.

My stomach rumbles in earnest, reminding me of how long it’s been since I’ve eaten. Content with what is done, my feet head out the door in search of food. It also gives me a chance to explore the campus and get a feel for where everything is located.


Last night, sleep eluded me. Running through the weekend, there was no reason as to why. Finally, giving up the pretense of sleeping a stop at the gym is needed.

When I return to my room for a quick shower before breakfast, a bleary-eyed Rodney is sitting, waiting for me. Raising an eyebrow in his direction, he waves me off.

“Please don’t start this morning.”

Letting the words die before they are spoken, I rush through a shower and get ready for classes.

Callum and Ashton enter through the bathroom, which joins our rooms together. Both of them give Rodney concerned looks, saying nothing.

Making our way downstairs, we run into Gage in the lobby.

“Hey, guys. Have you seen the new girl yet? She’s fuckin smoking hot,” he says, bouncing his eyebrows at the end.
