Page 74 of Hazing Her

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“Is it safe to assume, by all of the moaning and groaning all night, that you have all made up?” a hint of laughter in her voice.

Kennedy picks up her coffee cup, cradling it to her chest. She is staring into the cup as if it will give her all the answers as she speaks, “Gareth and I are married. How is that going to work for the rest of you?”

Looking between my friends, none of us speak at first. It is obvious, by her tone and that she won’t look at any of us, that this is a concern for her. Ashton, who is usually our jokester, answers her question. “Kennedy, in the eyes of the law, you can legally be married to only one of us.” Putting his hands out flat, he indicates Gareth. He leans forward on the table as he continues speaking. “For the rest of us, you are just as much our wife as you are his. Our relationship will continue on just as it has been, hopefully better.”

Kennedy’s eyes water as she looks at each of us. She takes a few sips of her coffee before setting the cup down and leaning forward in her seat. She clears her throat before speaking.

“I am determined to make this work with all of you.” She pauses, giving us each a stern look as she continues. “If any of you decide to keep something from me again, we are going to have problems. I am finally out from under my father’s control. You four will not pick up the slack and walk all over me. Do you understand me?”

She is sexy as fuck when she stands up for herself. She has grown and has come out of her shell since she first arrived at Groveton.

The future is going to be anything but boring.


Reluctantly, we all went back to court the following Monday. It was anticlimactic as my father’s lawyer accepted a plea deal. After Calista’s testimony and the other condemning evidence, they realized they weren’t going to win. My father will spend the rest of his life in prison. They found evidence, thanks to John Robinson, proving that my father killed my mother. He was drunk behind the wheel in the accident that took her life.

Before we left Pittsburgh, the guys all helped me pack what I wanted to keep out of my father’s house. Mr. Worthington, my father-in-law, arranged the sale. Anything we didn’t take is being donated to charity; hopefully someone can use it.

Since we are moving into an apartment soon, we kept a lot of kitchen and household items, so we don’t need to start from scratch.

Rodney and Callum offered to drive a moving truck back to Texas since we ended up with so much, and they left yesterday. The rest of us are in the same private plane that we flew up here in.

My father wanted me to marry a good man, and in the end, I got four of them.

The End


It’s graduation day.

I can’t believe that I am finally graduating college. Gareth, Ashton, and Callum graduated last year. Today, it is Rodney, Kassidy, and my turn.

After things settled down from the trial, me and the guys were able to concentrate on us. The house in Pittsburgh sold pretty quickly, and six months later, Gareth’s father, Abraham, started selling off the company for me. It wasn’t something I was interested in, and after everything we had been through, we felt it best to cut our losses.

The fathers got together and bought us a nice piece of land. The five of us worked with a contractor to build a seven-bedroom house on it. We got the keys to the house yesterday, as it’s finally finished. The guys have been making a schedule on who is breaking in which room with me after graduation.

A few minor brawls broke out before it was decided all of us would start in the bedroom and go from there. I reminded them that it didn’t have to happen in one night, and they have taken it as a challenge.

My relationship with Rodney is much closer. He still can’t go to the steakhouse, and none of us fault him for it.

As far as my father is concerned, I finally broke down and wrote him a letter. It explained how angry I am at him for taking my mother away, his treatment of me, and how all his micromanaging of my life didn’t do him much good. Giving him a little bit of credit, he is aware that Gareth and I are married. But despite his manipulations, our marriage is a happy one. To add insult, I made sure to tell him that Gareth is not the only one in my bed. The last bit of my letter informed him that he would never hear from me again.

Rushing to the bathroom, my breakfast makes a second appearance. Once my stomach is settled, I brush my teeth and rinse with mouthwash. Gareth steps into the bathroom, a concerned look on his face, as he finishes fixing his tie.

“I am worried about you, Kennedy. I think we need to get you to the doctor.” Gareth puts the back of his hand on my forehead, trying to detect a fever.

“Come on, we have to go, or we will be late,” my words are rushed.

The guys have gotten me some type of graduation gift; they just won’t give me any clues. Rubbing my hand over my still flat belly, a smile graces my lips, thinking of my gift for them.
