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“Stop!” Lark directed through the comms. “She’s right in front of you.”

Weapon up, he blasted through another locked door. When it swung open, his gaze locked on a man standing over Dove.

His future wife.

In one flick of the trigger, he dropped the man in his tracks. Dove screamed.

Quaide rushed to the bed that she was strapped to.

“Oh my god! Quaide!” Her unhinged tone blinded him to anything but getting revenge for her. “Where’s Rain?”

“I don’t know!” He whipped out his knife and cut her bonds with a few quick slices, aware of the hot, sticky blood rolling down his spine.

“What do you mean you don’t know? How did you find me?”

“She has a tracker on her.”

“But you’rehere, and Rain’s not. They took her, so where’s the tracker?” As soon as he cut her free, she leaped off the hospital bed and stumbled two steps to the other bed. He covered her back while she rifled through bedding.

A sharp gasp broke from her. She held up a small black tube. “All that’s here is lipstick!”

“That’s it. Her tracker. There’s no time—come on!” There was no time to figure out why Rain would leave that lipstick hidden in the bedding either. All that mattered was the woman had led him straight to Dove.

He grabbed her by the arm but she resisted.

“Dove, you can’t stay here. Let me get you safe and we’ll find your sister!”

When he tugged on her arm again, she still wouldn’t come. With a growl, he hoisted her over his shoulder, ignoring her yell.

What was this place? They’d confined her in what appeared to be a detox room where they took patients to keep them from harming themselves. The hitmen he profiled wouldn’t take things to this extreme—they’d just kill her in the car and toss her in a ditch.

So who the hell was after her and Rain?

Dangling over his shoulder, Dove continued to scream.

He whirled to the exit. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

“No, but you are! Quaide, you’re covered in blood.”

* * * * *

Dove’s hands were streaked with her lover’s blood. The tang of iron and rust filled her nose, making her head swirl. She wasn’t one of those people who fainted, but for a moment, her brain wouldn’t quit spinning and that meant her stomach spun too.

Her instinct was to struggle out of his grip and find Rain herself, but wiggling might cause him more pain.

His arm was a steel band around her thighs, pinning her firmly against his body. He never slowed. Lights and walls flashed past her vision, and she had no sense of time and space.

Suddenly, they were barreling through a door and cool Colorado air struck her face.

Panic seized up her chest. “We need Rain! Where are we going?”

“Lark, unlock the doors!”

Her body jostled as he pounded the pavement. She was tossed into a vehicle. The door slammed and the locks clicked.

Hair straggled in front of her eyes, and she pushed off the leather seat where he’d left her.

“You okay, hon?”
