Page 59 of Got Me Feeling

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He's smiling at me, looking all flirty and inviting. He hands back the pool cue to one of his friends. That's when I notice he's wearing four or five different colored bands around his left wrist. One silver, a few dark and tan leather, and a couple of bright colors thrown in there, too.

"I'm Haze." He reaches his hand to mine.

"Noah," I reply. We shake hands. "Can I… I'd like to… I mean, would you like…" Oh, fuck. I really suck at this. It's been a while since I've done the wholetalking to a cute guything.

Luckily for me, Haze interjects. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he asks, "Drink or dick?"

I blink. Excuse me, but did he just say––

"It seems like you want to ask me something." Haze speaks slowly, measuring me with his deep eyes. "And I'm guessing it's you'd either like to buy me a drink, or you'd like to see my dick."

"Drink," I squeak, before clearing my throat so that I don't sound like a prepubescent teen. "Drink. I'd like to buy you a drink."

He chuckles, his warm breath dancing over my face. "Too bad, Noah." He leans forward, the citrus scent enveloping me. "Because I have aspectacularcock."

We make our way to the bar and slide onto a couple of barstools. I order drinks––a beer for him and a soda for me––while trying my best to avoid visualizing his cock. I mean, how great can it really be? A dick's a dick, right? So why is my heart thudding so hard against my ribs every time I think about it?

As our drinks arrive, my brain and mouth both thankfully decide to come back online. "I’ve never seen you here before," I say, taking a sip.

"My housemate dragged me out. Don’t come here a lot, even though we only live a few blocks away. I’m glad I came."

A heat flushes through my chest. "Same."

Haze lifts his glass, his bright eyes measuring me as he takes a sip. "You know, I spotted you the second my friends and I started playing pool. You were sitting in the corner booth, talking to your friends, looking all Henry Cavill-like."

"Is he the one who plays Batman?"

"Uh, no." A gentle smile pulls at Haze's lips. He licks it away and says, "You might be thinking of Ben Affleck."


"Henry Cavill is way hotter."

"Uh, thanks." The heat from my chest rises up my neck. "I noticed you earlier, too, when you walked in and started playing pool with your friends."

Haze’s smile deepens. "What brings you out on a Tuesday night?"

"After-work drinks," I explain. "Any reason in particular your housemate dragged you out tonight?"

Haze gives a slight shake of his head and I watch as a few loose golden strands bounce around his face. "Student life."

"Oh, what are you studying?"

"Acting at the Brookhaven Performing Acts Academy."

"Very cool. I’ll keep an eye out for you on the big screen."

He clasps his hand over mine, but says nothing. Our eyes stay locked as we share a comfortable silence. Haze seems nice. And not just because he looks great and smells divine—there's something else about him. An ease that I can't help but find appealing. An energy crackles between us. I can feel it.

The conversation I was having with my friends earlier in the night crashes into my mind. Here I am, sitting at a bar with a cute guy who has just told me he's got a great cock. Is this what perfect one-night stand material looks, talks, and smells like?

I chew down on my lower lip before asking, "Have you ever had a one-night stand?"

Clearly not what Haze was expecting me to say, judging by how high both of his sandy-colored eyebrows shoot up. "Why do I feel like this is a trick question?" he answers with a nervous giggle.

"Not a trick question. I promise. My friends and I were talking about it earlier tonight, and it turns out I'm the only one from my crew who hasn't had one."

Haze's eyes narrow. "I find that hard to believe. You're freaking gorgeous." He glides a hand over my bicep, and when he looks up at me, the desire in his eyes is hard to miss. "Is this your way of asking me to be your first one-night stand?"
