Page 66 of For Him

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Then my eyes slid to Luke. He had a sad smile on his face. “Weston is a very lucky guy,” Luke said as I approached, and then he stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled something out. A small picture. “Thought you’d like it if he joined us.”

I stared at the man smiling back in the photo. My daddy. Our father.

“I’m honored to be escorting you in his place, Tenley.” Luke smiled, wiping the tears from his cheeks, and I couldn’t keep back a few of mine.

“You’re going to ruin my makeup,” I teased and he pulled me into a hug as the music began once more inside the chapel.

“You ready?” he whispered, and I nodded.

Luke placed the picture in his suit chest pocket, placing Dad near his heart, and then extended his left elbow to me. I slipped my slender hand into his elbow crease and smiled as the doors swung open.

There he stood.

A new felt cowboy hat sat upon his head, a dark gray that blended so nicely with his suit and emerald green tie. His black, curly hair and his thick mustache were neatly styled, and he had the most imperfectly perfect grin on his face.

Those intense blue eyes that I would never get tired of seeing watched me, glistening with the utmost joy. He was absolutely the most handsome and incredible man I could ever ask for. He was everything for me.


There she was, walking down the aisle towards me. To become mine to love and protect for the rest of my life.

And I’d never seen anything more beautiful.

