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Dillon also enjoyed Zeke. If Dillon was ever to have a son of his own, he imagined that the child would be like Zeke who was smart and confident.

The day went by extremely quickly, and before Dillon realized it, it was time for him to close up shop. He usually lingered around the store to catch up on paperwork, but he had other plans tonight.

After sweeping and straightening the store up, Dillon drove to the resort. He really didn’t enjoy hanging around there, but it was a necessary evil. Since the Faisons owned the resort and their ancestors had instilled a hatred for shifters in the Faisons, then it was the best place to find out what was going on. The Faisons didn’t usually bother hiding their plans regarding the war too well, at least from people who were paying attention.

Dillon pulled into the parking lot and put on his figurative mask, which covered his disdain for the Faisons. He made sure that the Faisons thought that he respected the family as much as everyone else.

He slid onto the bar stool and ordered a hamburger and fries from the bar menu. The bartender nodded at him and put in the order. Dillon surveyed the room to see who was present and whether there were any familiar faces that were either allies or that Dillon needed to be wary of.

“Been busy tonight?” Dillon asked Brent, as the bartender poured him a beer.

“No more than usual,” Brent said.

Brent put the beer in front of him and said, “Incoming.”

“Hello, Dillon,” a familiar voice said.

“Hello, Raf,” Dillon said, greeting the eldest of the Faisons.

“What brings you up here tonight?” Raf asked.

“I realized that I had missed lunch and I didn’t want to go home to fix anything. Your cooks make the best hamburgers, and I was craving one,” Dillon said.

Being nice to Raf made Dillon’s skin crawl, but he couldn’t afford to let any of his true feelings show. Once a person got on a Faisons’ bad side, the family would make the person’s life hell, even if they weren’t a shifter. Plus, showing his true colors would mean that he wouldn’t be able to get the information that he needed to help keep the shifters in town safe.

“How’s business been?” Dillon asked.

“Pretty good. Luckily, word about the little skirmish that took place on the mountain didn’t get out too much and scare away the clients,” Raf said. “It’s enough that we’ve hired a couple more employees. They will be part of the guides for the hiking trips and for those who want to camp out in the woods. We don’t need another guest of ours disappearing.”

Raf was referring to April, who had come to Ivy Springs in order to search for shifters much the same way that people hunted for Big Foot. She hadn’t really believed in shifters until she encountered Noah. April had gone to the shifter world after the battle, because even though she was a mundane human, she would have been in danger from hunters because she had associated with the shifters. To the outside world, though, she had disappeared.

“I could see how that might hurt business,” Dillon said, “since she disappeared while she was a registered guest at your resort.”

Dillon knew that the Faisons were aware that April had been at the battle between the shifters and the hunters, and that she had been on the shifters’ side. He had to know that April had disappeared into the shifter world. However, this was not something that anyone could talk about out in the open.

Raf said, “We’re doing our best to keep everyone safe.”

they talked for a few more minutes and then Raf shook his hand and went on about his business. Dillon always had to quell the urge to go wash his hands after he shook Raf’s hand.

Brent brought his hamburger and fries over.

“Do you still have your appetite,” he asked.

Dillon grinned and nodded.

“What’s the word?” he asked before taking a bite.

“There were a couple of new faces around here this morning,” he said. “It is pretty obvious that they are hunters.”

He heaved a heavy sigh at the news. They would want to prove themselves and would be extra dangerous.

“One of the men who showed up has been a hunter for a while. He pretty much hunts anything that he considers to be supernatural, from witches, to vampires, to ghosts, to shifters. He doesn’t seem to care whether they are good, mind their own business, and don’t harm the mundane humans. He kills at random, according to his bragging,” Brent said.

“Great, that’s all we need,” Dillon said.

“I know. But it gets worse,” Brent said. “He is relatively new as a hunter. He is more of a mercenary, who will kill whatever the highest bidder pays him to kill. He doesn’t care who the target is, whether they’ve hurt anyone, or even if they are a supernatural being.”

“Both of them sound exceedingly dangerous,” Dillon said.
