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Dillon had just arrived at the store the next morning when Jamie came to visit him. He knew immediately that something was wrong by her pale face. Her eyes were wide, as though she had just seen a ghost. The red rimming her eyes told him that she had been crying.

He didn’t bother with pleasantries.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Have you heard about Andy?” she asked.

“No,” Dillon replied.

“He’s missing. He went out yesterday, and no one has seen him since.”

“What else do you know?” Dillon asked.

“Nothing, except that I’m scared,” Jamie said.

“Don’t automatically assume the worse,” Dillon said. “There could be a logical explanation for him being gone,” Dillon said, although he had his doubts.

A feeling in the pit of his stomach told him that there was something to be concerned about.

Jamie felt it, too. She simply looked at him without saying anything. She was chewing on the inside of her cheek and was shifting back and forth, from one foot to another.

“I know that you’re worried. Go back to the café. Keep your head down. I’ll let you know when I know something,” Dillon said.

Jamie nodded and then hesitated as though she wanted to tell him something else, but then apparently didn’t.

“What is it, Jamie?” he asked.

She opened her mouth as though she was going to tell him, and then she shook her head.

“It’s nothing important,” Jamie said.

“Let me know if you hear from Andy,” Dillon said.

“I will,” Jamie said.

Dillon ran his fingers through his hair and groaned. Ordinarily, a young man who went missing overnight wasn’t a big concern. However, when it was a shifter who went missing in Ivy Springs, it was a big deal.

He was just about to call Jesse when the older man walked in the store.

“We have a missing shifter,” Jesse said.

“That’s what I’ve heard,” Dillon said. “Jamie came in here and told me that Andy was missing. She didn’t know anything else. What do you know?”

“Andy told his father that he was feeling stressed out from his studies, so he was going for a walk. His father didn’t hear from him last night and couldn’t get a hold of him this morning, so he went over to Andy’s place. Nothing looked out of place. It was as though Andy was in the middle of studying and simply disappeared,” Jesse reported.

Dillon tilted his head back, closed his eyes, and sucked in a huge breath. This was not good news.

“Does his father know where he likes to shift?” Dillon asked.

“Yes. He hiked up there this morning. There were some broken branches, and the ground was scuffed up. His father took pictures and sent them to me.”

Dillon looked at the pictures on Jesse’s phone.

“This doesn’t look good,” Dillon acknowledged. “Keep me updated.”

Although he had told Jamie to stay optimistic, it was hard to follow his own advice. He feared the worse.

About an hour later, he got a phone call from Brent.
