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“Alexis said that you helped her out. That was nice of you,” Raf said.

Luke simply nodded.

“She said that she invited you up for some drinks,” Xavier said.

“Yes, she did.”

“I second her invitation. You should come up for some drinks and hang out for a while,” Raf said.

“Perhaps sometime. Right now, I’m just hanging out at home and getting settled in. I like the peace and quiet of home.”

“I see,” Raf said. “If you change your mind, the invitation stands.”


They didn’t seem to have much else to say, so Raf said, “We’ll see you later. You take care, now.”

“See ya,” Xavier said.

Both of them walked out the door without saying a word to Josh or even looking at him.

Luke raised his eyebrows at Josh and asked, “What in the hell was that all about?”

Josh shrugged his shoulders and said, “Search me. Maybe they were just checking out the person their sister has taken an interest in.”

“What sin did I ever commit to deserve that punishment?”

Josh laughed.

“Is it just me, or are they a little more pompous than they used to be when they were younger?”

“Ever since their parents were killed in the car crash and they inherited all that money, they’ve gotten a lot worse. They walk around like their shit don’t stink and treat the rest of the world like they are lucky to be breathing the same air as them. They didn’t even seem to care that their parents were dead. They were just happy to get their inheritance.”

“Gee, I didn’t know you were such a fan.” Luke laughed.

“Lately, it’s not only their attitude that has gotten so much worse, but so has their hatred toward shifters. When their parents were alive, the shifters didn’t have to worry so much. They could go out on the mountains and do their thing. Of course, no one announced that they were shifters, but they didn’t have to be terrified that someone would find out. I have no idea what sparked such hatred, but the Faisons, at least the three men, are now actively hunting shifters and don’t seem to care who knows it. I think that all Alexis cares about is looking good – and now you.”

“Lucky me. I wish she didn’t like me. That woman is dangerous.”

“In a million different ways,” Josh agreed. “Why don’t you stop by the station after work, about six. As long as we don’t have any calls, we can play some basketball. Some of the other guys I hang out with will be there.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Carl came back in a few minutes after Josh left.

“Anything interesting happen while I was gone?”

“Xavier and Raf stopped by.”

“Why? I can’t imagine that either of those two men would know what to do with a single item that we have in this store.”

“They said that they wanted to come by and say hello since they heard that I was back in town.”

Carl frowned and said, “I didn’t know you guys were friends.”

“Trust me, we aren’t.”

“Why would they even know your name then?”
