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“I had a great time tonight. Thank you.”

“Me, too.”

“I didn’t quite expect things to go the way that they did, but I’m glad it happened,” Jamie said.

Luke could tell that she was feeling awkward about the situation and probably had no more of an idea as to what to say than he did.

“You are a very beautiful woman,” Luke said. “I would never have guessed that under those jeans and t-shirt you wear that there was such fire.”

He cringed and immediately regretted the words. But it wasn’t like he could say,You were a good lay, especially for a virgin.

Jamie seemed to sense his problem and said, “You don’t have to say anything. I’m a big girl and made a big girl decision. I’m not sorry, and I won’t regret anything in the morning.”

Luke was relieved. Jamie didn’t expect any kind of promises from him, which was a good thing, because he had none to give, although he did want to keep seeing her. He was interested in her. She was sweet, had a good sense of humor, and he enjoyed her company.

After about half an hour, he pulled his arm out from under her because the tingling in it wasn’t from any kind of pleasure. It had fallen asleep.

He rubbed his hand and fingers.

“Sorry about that.” She giggled.

“It was worth it,” Luke assured her.

“Are you going to stay the night? I can cook a mean breakfast,” Jamie shyly asked.

Luke hesitated. He had thought about this question because he had never stayed the night at a woman’s house before. Luke wanted to, but he didn’t want to give Jamie any false hopes or ideas, although she had let him know that she didn’t have any. He also didn’t think that he was ready to wake up and find a woman next to him.

“As much as I would love to, I have an early morning tomorrow,” he said.

“I understand.”

He thought that Jamie sounded disappointed. Luke kissed her on the forehead and slipped out of bed. She dipped into the bathroom and came back with a warm, wet washcloth. Her cheeks were pink as she handed it to him.


Luke got dressed as she pulled a long shirt over her head. She followed him to the front door and smiled up at him as he turned around.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, his tongue sweeping her mouth. He felt something stirring inside of him and knew that she had aroused his passions once again.

“I better go. I’m not sure you are ready for twice in one night,” he said, smiling.

“I think you are right about that one,” Jamie said. “Although the thought of it is very tempting.”

He laughed and stepped onto the porch, waiting until he heard her lock the door.

Luke jumped into a cold shower when he got home. Her scent had stayed with him, and it tempted him to go back to her. He smiled when he thought about their night together. She had been fun during dinner and their date. She had been passionate during the sex. Jamie was herself and didn’t hold anything back from him. He couldn’t remember if he had ever been with a woman like that. Every other woman he had ever dated or fucked seemed to hold a part of herself back, hiding it from him.

Sliding into bed, he was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Jamie was his first thought the next morning. As he walked into the kitchen he remembered her offer of breakfast, and he wished that he had some eggs and bacon that he didn’t have to cook. He started the coffee and got busy frying bacon and cutting up the veges for an omelet.

He took his time eating. He knew that he was just dragging out the inevitable. The idea of spending another day at the hardware store, especially with his father, made him want to stab himself in the eye with a fork.

“At least I would have a legitimate reason for avoiding him.” Luke laughed to himself.

Unfortunately, he could only prolong the agony for so long. He drank the last bit of coffee in the pot and washed the dishes. Then, with a heavy sigh, he headed out.

Luke thought about stopping by the café for another cup and to see Jamie, but he wasn’t sure if he should. He didn’t know how weird it would be for her.
