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Clara nodded in understanding.

Dillon dropped by a few minutes later for some coffee for him and Ethan. He immediately noticed that there was something off about Clara.

He kissed her briefly and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m good.”

Dillon looked at her and said, “Really? You’re going to try that with me?”

Clara looked at Jamie and then explained what had happened.

Dillon blew a gasket.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. She actually had the nerve to demand that you fire Jamie and threatened you when you said that you wouldn’t?”

Clara nodded and said, “It’s not that big of a deal. I handled the situation. I told her that I wasn’t afraid of her and that my business was going to be just fine.”

“I can’t believe her.”

“Please don’t say anything to Luke about it. Jamie doesn’t want him to know.”

“He should know. If she’s this intent on getting to him, he’ll need to be on his guard.”

“Please, Dillon. If things get worse, then I’ll tell him, but for now, I don’t want the drama to interfere with what could be a good thing for me.”

Dillon looked at Jamie for a few seconds and then nodded.

“I won’t say anything to Luke, but if she threatens my wife again, I will stomp her into the ground – I don’t care what the dragon king says.”

He looked at Jamie and said, “I have your back, too. Let me know if she crosses the line.”

“I will,” Jamie promised. “This is embarrassing.”

“It isn’t your fault,” Dillon said. “It is Alexis’ fault.”

“That’s what I told her,” Clara said, smugly, crossing her arms across her chest.

Dillon grabbed the coffee, kissed Clara, gave Jamie a meaningful glance and left.

Jamie slumped against the wall. She felt drained all of the sudden, but she was grateful that she had such good friends.

She gradually relaxed as the day wore on. Clara glanced at Jamie every once in a while, as though she was worried about her.

Jamie, wanting Clara to think about something else, asked, “Have you talked to Charlie lately?”

Charlie, short for Charlene, was Clara’s childhood and best friend. Charlie had visited Ivy Springs when Clara first moved to the area and had a romantic involvement with Ethan. Charlie ended up pregnant, but didn’t want Ethan to know about their little girl because he had made it painfully clear that he wasn’t ready for a family and wasn’t ready to settle down.

Clara lit up when she talked about Charlie and Luna.

“We went to see her last Sunday,” Clara said. “Luna is so smart. You know she was walking and talking when she was nine months old. She knows colors. She’s barely a year old.”

“Do you have any recent pictures of her?”

Clara pulled out her phone and showed pictures of the little girl.

“Zeke adores her. He plays with her and takes care of her whenever he sees her.”

“Is she going to tell Ethan about her?”
