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“What does it look like. I’m just going snow shoeing,” she replied.

“We think that you are up here to shift,” Parker said.

“Shift? What are you talking about?” Jamie asked.

She tried to hide the panic from her voice. Her heart was thundering a million miles an hour and her breath was stuck in her throat.

“Don’t play stupid with us. We know that you are a shifter. What are you, a bear shifter, a wolf shifter, what?” Parker sneered.

“I have no idea what you are talking about. You actually sound a little crazy,” Jamie said.

“I don’t believe you. Do you believe her, Walter?”

“Nope. Not at all.”

“I came up here for some exercise. I have been snow shoeing on this mountain my entire life. I like the fresh air and it gets me away from life stresses,” Jamie said.

She stared at the two men and said, “I’ve always heard that when accusations are made, the accusers are the ones guilty of the crimes. My guess is that you two are shifters.”

Parker started laughing as though it was the funniest thing he had ever heard.

“No, we kill shifters,” Walter said.

“Wouldn’t that be illegal?”

“No, they aren’t human. They are abominations,” Walter growled.

Jamie sighed heavily and said, “I’m tired of this stupidity. I need to get home.”

She turned to leave but Parker grabbed her arm and squeezed tight. Jamie pressed her lips together to keep from making any sound.

“You know that Alexis doesn’t like you,” Walter said. “Neither do I.”

“I’m really sorry about that, but neither your nor Alexis’ likes and dislikes are any of my concern.”

“Actually, it is your concern right now. I’m positive that Alexis would give us a huge reward if you were to have an accident while you were out here, alone, snow shoeing in a dangerous area,” Parker said.

“Don’t be stupid. Just leave me alone,” Jamie said.

“I don’t think that we could do that. Alexis showed us your picture and told us that if something should happen to you, she would be pleased,” Walter said. “That means money.”

“You do realize that the beef that Alexis has with me is that she wants the man who I am dating. You are willing to kill someone just because another person is jealous?”

Parker laughed. The evilness of the sound echoed in the trees and sent a cold shiver of pure terror down her spine.

“No, we don’t care why Alexis doesn’t like you. We only care that there is money involved. A lot of money,” Walter told her.

“This is stupid,” Jamie said.

Once again, she turned to leave, but Parker grabbed her arm and pulled something out of his pocket. Jamie froze as she stared down the barrel of a gun.



Luke was stacking salt on the front sidewalk. The forecast had predicted that there could be more snow. His mind was a million miles away as he thought about his last mission and the friends who he had lost. He wondered whether he should visit their families, but he had no idea what he would say if he did. Luke wouldn’t be able to brag about the brave accomplishments the men had as everything was classified.

He sighed heavily and thought,I would probably just make things worse.
