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“How dare you talk to me that way? No one has ever spoken to me like that.”

“It’s about time that they did,” Luke said. “You might be rich, but even if you had all the money in the world, that doesn’t make you any better than anyone else. As a matter of fact, in my eyes, there is a whole host of people who are better, because they work hard to make this world a better place for others. You have the ability to help those less fortunate, but instead, you choose to only worry about you. That disgusts me.”

Alexis turned pale and grabbed the bar stool for support. Luke thought for a second that she was about to pass out. Every head in the diner had their heads turned toward them. It was deadly silent.

Luke turned and marched out the door. Fury coursed through him as he headed for the hardware store. He wondered what Alexis would do if she found out that the person that she had been wanting so badly was a shifter. He would have loved to see the look on her face as he told her. As tempting as it was, he kept his mouth shut because he had to protect himself and his family.

“Where have you been?” Carl asked when Luke came in the store.

When he saw the look on Luke’s face, he took a step back.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Luke thundered.

“What do you mean?” Carl asked.

“Clara told me that you went to the café and threatened to make Jamie disappear if she didn’t break things off with me.”

“I was just doing what was best for you. You are a dragon shifter and that woman isn’t right for you.”

“You have no right to decide who or what is right for me,” Luke roared. “You went way too far.”

“I am your father. It is my job to protect you,” Carl protested.

“I am a grown man. I have faced many life or death situations. I have been taking care of myself and making decisions for myself for a long time,” Luke growled. “I’m going to find Jamie and ask her to marry me. You can choose to be a part of our lives or not – I really don’t care. But if you ever, ever, say anything or do anything to upset her again, I’ll destroy you. I don’t care if you are my father. Am I clear.”

“You can’t talk to me like that,” Carl shouted.

“I just did,” Luke said and stormed out of the hardware store.

He went to the mountain and shifted. He didn’t care if he did run across any hunters. He would take them out the same way that he dealt with Walter and Parker. He was tired of hiding and running from them. If they wanted a fight, he was in the mood to fight.

Fortunately, for the hunters, Luke didn’t come across anyone.

He had managed to calm down by the time night fell. Josh called and asked Luke if he was up for a game of pool.

They met at the bar. Luke was starving and ate three bacon cheeseburgers and fries. A couple of beers washed them down.

“Damn, Luke,” Josh said.

“I’ve had one hell of a day,” Luke said.

“I heard about the incident with Alexis. Word spread through town like wildfire. I think that you are a local hero, now.”

“She had it coming. So did my father,” Luke said.

Josh’s eyes got big when Luke told him what Carl had done to Jamie and how Luke had put him in his place.

“You have had a busy day,” Josh said. “No wonder you’re eating like you’re starving to death. What are you going to do now?”

“Losing Jamie made me realize how much I love her. I’m going to buy a ring, find her, and marry her.”

“Good for you,” Josh said, clapping Luke on the back.

The next morning, Luke found the perfect ring. He went to the café and showed it to Clara.

“I love her. I want to ask her to marry me. Please tell me where she is,” Luke begged.

Clara stared at him for a minute and then said, “She’s in the shifter world.”
