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“Oh, thank you,” Sophie said, batting her eyelashes at me, and a warning sounded in my brain. “That’s kind of you to help me.”

“It’s only fair that you know how to properly hold your weapon. I don’t want you to get hurt,” I said, my tone gruff.

“So how does this work then? If I stab you, then I win?” Sophie asked. Agnes drew close and heard the tail end of her question.

“I’d like to avoid you stabbing me,” I said with a smile. Even though it wasn’t a sword, those sticks could leave marks.

“This is the way it will work,” Agnes said. “I’ll call the start, and the first person to get three strikes, wins. By strikes, I mean that your stick will get past your opponent’s defenses. You don’t have to physically strike the other person to score a point, but it should be clear that you’ve breached their defenses. Though, you’re welcome to give this one a strong poke in the ribs, Sophie.” Agnes nodded to me, and Sophie grinned.

“Sure, and that’s a fair and impartial judge now, isn’t it?” I muttered.

“No hits to the face as neither of you has guards on,” Agnes pointed out.

“Why are we using sticks and not swords?” Sophie asked, blinking at the stick in her hand.

“It’s a touch safer, as many people are still learning the sport,” Agnes said. “Right, then. Three strikes decides the winner. Sophie, make us proud.”

“Gee, thanks. Where’s the hometown loyalty?” I groused, stepping back and assuming the on-guard position.

“Sorry, mate. Gotta go with the lady on this one.” Agnes shrugged and stepped back, holding her hands in the air. Sophie stood, the stick pointed at the ground, her eyes wide in her face. I sighed. This was going to be like stealing candy from a baby. But at least I’d get a kiss out of it. The thought cheered me, and I smiled at Sophie.

“Begin!” Agnes shouted, and cheers erupted around the field. I waited for Sophie to lift her stick, knowing I could have advanced and struck her already if I had wanted to. Giving her time to adjust, I stepped lightly forward, brandishing the stick in front of me.

“You might want to lift your sword,” I suggested.

“You might want to try being less grumpy,” Sophie said, lifting her stick and advancing so quickly that the point of her stick was already in my side before I could take a breath. What…the…

How had that just happened? I blinked at her as Agnes called for the point, the crowd screaming, and I danced backward out of range, just in case she pulled another move like that. Where had that come from?

“I’m not grumpy,” I insisted, stepping back into on-guard position. The wind had picked up slightly, bringing with it the promise of rain, and I waited for Agnes to call the start again. “I have a lot of responsibilities on my shoulders.”

“Gee, like nobody else has to deal with responsibilities?” Sophie rolled her eyes and brought her stick up at the last moment to clash with mine as I attempted another parry. Hmm, she was quick, I would give her that. I retreated, my sword up, and met her eyes.

“That’s not what I’m saying,” I said. I advanced, hoping to get past her again and end this quickly.

Again, Sophie brought her stick up at the last moment, even though she wasn’t standing in a protective position, and caught my stick before I could strike her.

“It sure sounds that way. You know…my Uncle Arthur,” Sophie said, taking a few steps back, her sword held more carefully in front of her now. “He had a lot of responsibility. I might suggest even more so than yours. His company is responsible for thousands of people’s livelihoods around the world.” She danced out of the way of my next strike, pivoting so that my stick flew past her body and turning to bring the tip of hers into my side.

I stared at her, aghast, as I realized she’d already claimed two strikes on me. I needed to get my head in the match and not listen to her words. Ignoring the laughter from the side of the field, I brought my stick up and waited for the call. Advancing immediately, I thrust my stick forward only to be met, once again, by Sophie’s stick. This time, she parried, and I was forced back a step. Our sticks connected, and we danced, the wood striking as we blocked each other’s attempts. Breaking, I retreated, and Sophie grinned.

“As I was saying, my uncle had a lot of responsibility. Not only for those he employed, but also the fact that his company is responsible for protecting our clients’ homes and businesses around the world. I would say that is significantly more responsibility than what lies on your plate.” Sophie lunged, and I had to retreat three steps to miss her attempt. My eyes narrowed. She’d administered that move in almost perfect form.

“And you know what?” Sophie continued, falling into an exact on-guard position. I raised my sword, matching her, and waited.

“What’s that?”

“He was never grumpy.” Sophie lunged, and I retreated, my stick clashing with hers.

“In fact, Arthur was one of the most cheerful men that I knew. Maybe that’s because he knew how to channel his frustrations in the appropriate manner.”

“Like how?” I grimaced as our sticks clashed once more, worry racing through me as Sophie pushed me backward, keeping me on the defense as she compound attacked after I feinted.

“He had his hobbies…like fencing.” Sophie’s mile-wide smile stopped me long enough that she almost got past my defenses. At the last moment, I dodged her blow. Realization dawned as Sophie cut over, her stick grazing mine, and I stepped back. I’d been had. Sophie was hustling me. My adrenaline kicked up and, no longer caring about playing nice, I attacked.

Our sticks met in a vicious clash, and the crowd gasped as I thrust forward, lunging toward Sophie. Sophie parried, and then feinted, and I twisted, already knowing that she’d gotten me. I hadn’t expected the feint, and if she was any good, she’d follow through with a disengage. When she did, her stick coming beneath mine and hitting my rib once more, I dropped my head as the crowd went wild.

“Knight! Knight! Knight!” the crowd chanted, and Sophie stepped back in perfect position before bringing her sword to her side and bowing. I’d been well and truly hustled.
