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“Did ye now? I’m liking that for you,” Agnes said, her short crop of curls bouncing as she nodded her head in approval.

“You haven’t…” I met her eyes, gritting my teeth as I waited.

“Och,no. Not with him or Graham. Those two have been charming the ladies for ages. Far easier for me to stay on the outside of all that,” Agnes said and then grimaced. “I should say Graham charms far more ladies than Lachlan does. Lach tends to be more standoffish. And choosy, I suppose.”

“That’s somewhat comforting to hear.” I shrugged one shoulder, unsure of how I felt about knowing Lachlan’s past but also grateful that at least I wasn’t stepping on any toes where Agnes was concerned.

“You were gone all of the afternoon and evening.” Matthew blew on his tea before taking a sip. “It sounds like it was quite the rendezvous.”

“It wasn’t…” I sighed, tilting my head back to look at where the wood beams crossed the ceiling. “We weren’t doingthatall day.”

“More’s the pity,” Matthew mused.

“So you’re thinking that sex with Lachlan caused a gem to show up in your sword?” Agnes nodded to where I’d placed the sword on my lap. “May I see?”

“We didn’t sleep together,” I said as I handed her my blade. Immediately, I felt bereft at the loss of it, and a tad uncomfortable as she handled the blade. It was like giving someone else your baby to hold, or at least I imagined what that must feel like, and was relieved when she returned it to me.

“It’s well and truly embedded, isn’t it? Fascinating.” Agnes stood and crossed to the counter, bending to pull a folder from a shelf. She returned and began leafing through the folder, nibbling her lower lip as she read. Outside, the rain pattered against the windows, and I glanced up as the sound of bagpipes filled the store.

“My music comes on at ten when the shop opens,” Agnes said, catching my look.

“‘Amazing Grace,’” I murmured, transported back to Arthur’s funeral and the man playing the bagpipes. It all seemed so long ago now, though it had been just over a week since we’d arrived in Scotland.

Just over a week and here I was letting a man I barely knew pleasure me. The thought brought heat to my face once more, and I turned to stare down at where the light of the fire glinted off the dull steel of my sword and picked up the deep blue of the gemstone.

“I’m going to need details, Sophie. Or I swear I’m getting on the next plane out of here.” Matthew mocked stamping his foot on the floor as though he was about to have a tantrum. I couldn’t blame him. I’d done the same anytime I knew he’d hooked up with a new man.

“Well, I wasn’t lying. I didn’t spend all day hooking up with Lachlan. Just a small portion at the end of the day,” I clarified, giving Matthew a pointed look.

“Hmm, love maybe? I wonder if that’s a challenge to be passed,” Agnes mused as she flipped through the pages, missing my horrified look.

“No, not love. That wasnotone of the knightly duties,” I exclaimed.

“But love was part of the rite, wasn’t it? With the cardamom oil?” Matthew asked, and I had to wonder if he was purposely baiting me or just trying to be helpful.

“It’s not love,” I practically shouted, and both of their gazes snapped to mine.

“I was just…why don’t you tell us what else you did with your day?” Agnes hurried on.

“After the rite, I was too keyed up to just sit there. I needed something to do. Some direction. Anything. I don’t like all these ambiguities and what-ifs. I’m much more comfortable dealing with structure and rules.” I realized that made me sound boring, but I soldiered on. “Anyway, I was walking around the castle and found Lachlan in his office surrounded by an atrocious mess of paperwork.”

“Aye, he’s bollocks when it comes to paperwork.” Agnes laughed.

“I bet that drove you nuts.” Matthew’s eyes lit.

“You know me.” At this, I did smile. “Not only do I work with brand management, Agnes, but I also have an accountancy background. Spreadsheets are like foreplay to me.”

“Och, that explains the hookup with Lachlan, then. All those numbers got you all hot and bothered.” Agnes laughed.

“You’re probably not wrong.” I sighed. “Painful though it is to admit it. Either way, I could see he was struggling. And it, legit, agitated me to see the state of his desk. I realized that since I’m technically now owner of the castle, I should understand the business operations. I basically strongarmed him into giving up his mess of paperwork so I could sort it all out for him. By the end of the day, I’d cleared his desk, had the books in order, and had created a list of a few suggestions for him to review in areas he could cut costs in.”

“How very…” Matthew’s eyes widened. “Chivalrous of you.”

“Ohhhhh.” Agnes slammed her hand on the arm of her chair a few times in excitement. “Yes! Matthew,yes!”

“I haven’t heard a woman saythatto me in years,” Matthew quipped to me, and I rolled my eyes while Agnes let out a rolling chuckle.

“Is that…is it chivalry, though? I was just being helpful,” I said.
