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“Stay and fight! Stay and fight!”

Pulling away, I wrapped my arm around Sophie and joined the chant, and Sophie raised her hand, gasping at the dirk she held.

“Look!” Sophie shouted, and Agnes sprang from her seat, rushing to our side. There, next to the two stones before it, glimmered a beautiful blood-red ruby.

“The final stone! Och, Sophie! Courage! It’s the courage to stay and overcome your fears. You did it,” Agnes crowed and cheers erupted once more around the pub.

Sophie blinked up at me, tears filling her eyes.

“I did it, Lachlan, I’m your Knight.”

“And you can ride me anytime, darling,” I whispered the last part in her ear, loving the way her skin flushed at my words.

Was I a bit crass? Yes, but it had been a long day. I’d gone from thinking I’d lost the woman I loved, to almost losing my dog’s and my life, to finding my love again.

Maybe, just this once, my crudeness could be forgiven.



“Is that the best you got?” I raised my voice and stuck a hand on my hip, rolling my eyes dramatically.

The crowd laughed, as I’d wanted them to, while Lachlan made a great show of standing from where he knelt in front of me in the grass.

“Och, I’m only getting started, lassie. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I let a woman best me,” Lachlan thundered, advancing with his sword.

I smiled sweetly at him, easily dodging his attempts, knowing that would only annoy him further.

Was it wrong of me to use our fake swordplay as foreplay? Probably. But the combination of Lachlan all done up in his kilt, plus my ability to needle him when we faced off during the broadswords exhibition, got me excited. We’d already had more than one hasty session tucked away in a closet after a match before Lachlan had smoothed his hair, straightened his collar, and returned to leading tourists through the castle.

I had to admit, kilts were convenient for a quick rendezvous.

And, yes, what they say is true about kilts.

My ad campaign had started two months ago, and it was hitting the sweet spot with the European and American markets. Though both Lachlan and Graham had griped at the images of them that had graced the cover of one of the local Scottish magazines, I noticed that Graham didn’t seem to have a problem displaying that same edition in his pub for his guests to read over a pint.

I’d added the swords demonstration to the weekend tours, as it was too much work to host a Highland Games each weekend. Not only did the banter and swordplay entertain the crowd, but it also kept my skills sharp. The Kelpies had been quiet since I’d passed my last challenge, but Archie had warned me that we were far from completing the Order of Caledonia.

I gasped as Lachlan tapped my side with his sword, tearing my thoughts away from the Order and back to the current fight on hand.

“Och, the lass is dreaming,” Lachlan crowed, delighted he’d gotten one by me. Furrowing my brow, I raised my sword and advanced, putting him on his back foot. While he was a fair opponent, it was clear that Lachlan had never had the training I had been given. All those lessons with Uncle Arthur had paid off, and now I made short work of Lachlan, leaving him gasping on the ground once more. Raising my hands in the air, I bowed to the crowd’s thunderous applause before turning to give Lachlan a smacking kiss.

He held me close, turning his mouth to my ear.

“That last hit was a touch too near my jewels, darling,” Lachlan said.

“That’s for the bruise you gave me last night,” I replied, smiling widely at him like we weren’t discussing our naughty bedroom antics.

“But your bum is just so biteable.” Lachlan’s eyes gleamed, and he leaned closer. “Should we meet…say in fifteen minutes?”

“Rain check on that, my love. Lottie’s just arrived.” I’d seen her on the edge of the crowd, her floral headband and bright pink sweater making her stand out. She’d made good on her promise to visit, first making sure that Sarah, her chef, was more than happy to enjoy a few weeks at the house watching over the dogs. Once they were seen to, Lottie had been on a plane to visit. Now, I left Lachlan after one more kiss and raced across the grass to where she stood, her arms wide open for a hug.

“Lottie!” I gasped, tears welling into my eyes, and she pulled me tight. We rocked back and forth, like an erratic metronome, laughing and crying at the same time. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“I couldn’t stay away a moment longer. I had to see this place for myself and meet your young man.” Lottie pulled back and pursed her lips, her shrewd eyes scanning my face. Despite her creative spirit and penchant for oddities, Lottie was no space cadet. Her intelligence had been an equal match for Arthur’s and had been one of the traits that Arthur loved most about Lottie. If I’d been unhappy or stressed, she would have read it in an instant and jumped into action. Instead, a relieved smile spread across her face and then her gaze flitted over my shoulder. “Oh, my.”

I knew she had to be looking at Lachlan. It was the same reaction I’d had when I’d first seen him as well.
