Page 58 of Wild Scottish Love

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I was saved from throttling my mother when all hell broke loose.

One moment, the cranachan was plated neatly in front of my mother, and the next, it was as though it had exploded. Whipped cream dripped from her shocked face, raspberries matted her hair, and her hands were frozen in mid-air as though she had no idea what to do. I certainly didn’t, as I was torn between laughter and confusion, when the same fate landed on me.

Gasping, I wiped whipped cream from my eyes to see everyone at our table, andjustour table, covered in dessert while the rest of the restaurant looked on in shock.

My stomach twisted.


“What the hell?” my dad thundered and started to rise. I knew he was going to make a scene, and the last thing Lia needed was for everyone to think this restaurant was haunted. Even though it was.

“And that’s for being rude to my girlfriend.” I stood as well and tossed the rest of my dessert in my father’s face, to make it look like I’d been the one to start the fight. Admittedly, I did take some joy from throwing food at him, but this was not the time to examine that feeling.

“Munroe,” my father seethed, coming nose to nose with me. “Have you lost your goddamned mind?”

“Was it really…” Robyn asked, looking with confusion between me and the table, whipped cream dripping down her hair.

“Go on then,” I whispered to my father, meeting his steely gaze. “Show the world who you are.” I waited, my adrenaline kicking in, and wondered if he would throw the first punch.

“You’re not worth it,” Dad said, instead, and turning he collected his coat and my mother before dragging her across the silent room.

Clapping started from across the restaurant.

“Brava!” Tommaso called. “I do love dinner entertainment, no?”

The restaurant exploded in applause, and I took a mock bow, thankful for the Italian’s quick thinking. I was too embarrassed to have come up with that response, and he very likely saved Lia’s restaurant opening.

“Why don’t you two come with me and get cleaned up?” Hilda had appeared at the side of our table.

“Shall we?” I asked Robyn who looked more than a little stunned by the debacle.

“Oh, we shall. I have questions,” Robyn began, and I hooked her arm before pulling her up and through the restaurant.

“I’m sure you do. One thing at a time, lass. Let’s get you sorted, and we can have a whisky and a nice long chat.”

The cheerful din of the restaurant followed me as I walked into the cool night air and steadied my breathing. Fingers crossed that the rest of the night would go smoothly, and hopefully Brice wouldn’t cause any more drama. It was clearly a targeted attack, and I realized now just how protective the broonie must be of Lia.

I couldn’t blame him either. He’d basically acted upon every emotion I’d ever had regarding my parents.

I wasn’t sure what the fallout would be with them, and frankly, I couldn’t say that I cared all that much. Perhaps this was just how it needed to be.

“At least it tastes good,” Robyn mused as we wandered to a private side of the castle, and I threw my head back and laughed.

“Aye, a silver lining, I suppose.”



Ididn’t hear about the incident until we were closing up and I was shooing out the servers to go home and relax. I needed a moment alone, in my kitchen, to settle my nerves.

And to have a talk with Brice, it seemed.

My phone pinged and I pulled it from my pocket to see a text message from my dad. Opening it up, I smiled as a photo came through of my entire family smiling around a sign that read:Congratulations, Lia!Laughter quickly turned to tears, and I walked out into the empty restaurant and dropped into a chair.

I’dsowanted for tonight to be perfect.

Instead, my boyfriend’s parents had brought a woman they found to be more suitable than I was, and then my kitchen elf had thrown food in their faces. It was an all-around mess, and knowing the type of people that Munroe’s parents were, it wasn’t something I’d live down. In fact, I was certain they’d be badmouthing my restaurant to all of their rich friends. Worry filled me for the future of what I was trying to create here.
