Page 12 of Lyric of Wind

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“Um, that’s a tall order methinks,” Raven said, turning from Bianca as her gut churned with anxiety over her inability to make a decision. If she’d just been able to get some rest, she’d better be able to assess her choices.

An image of a cool bedroom entered her mind, and Raven stared into one of the Alicorn’s eyes. It huffed out a breath, and nodded its massive head a few times, as though encouraging her to join them. Was he the one projecting the image into her head or was that her own delirious desires? A cool bedroom with nobody around was everything she wanted in this moment.

And to be safe.


The word surfaced, and again, Raven was focused on the Alicorn. Perhaps, taking this risk would be worth it if she got to ride one of these beautiful creatures.

“Do I get to ride the Alicorn?” Raven asked finally, and Bianca gave her a relieved smile.

“Absolutely. And let me tell you, you’ll never regret it. It’s quite possibly my favorite thing about the Air Fae at the moment,” Bianca said.

“Come on then. You’re putting all of us at risk with your dallying,” Kellen ordered, and leaned down to extend a hand to Raven. She balked, annoyed at his tone, but also at herself. He was right. If the Dark Fae had found her in this alley once, they could easily send backup. Every second counted. She could kick herself for delaying the inevitable. Reaching up, she grasped Kellen’s hand, and jerked as that same spark of recognition rushed through her. Like an electrical current, or an adrenaline rush, she couldn’t quite be sure, but the feeling was palpable when she touched him.

“Your guitar.”

“I can’t leave it,” Raven twisted to look at him from where he’d positioned her in front of him. Maybe she was being stubborn, but she wanted to keep at least one piece of her life with her.

“Unhook it. It can come with us.” Kellen’s eyes weren’t on hers, instead he held vigilant, searching the alley for threats as Raven slid the guitar off her shoulders. Once off, Kellen took it and slung it over his own shoulders before promptly grabbing her and tugging her tightly against him.

Between his legs.

A surprised puff of air left Raven as she was immediately cocooned by his large presence, his muscular legs cradling hers, one arm caught tightly around her waist. She squirmed, unused to being so close to another person, and his breath came hot at her ear.

“Don’t fidget.”


Raven blinked, and before she could adjust to the new sensations that flooded her body, her world tilted.

And then they were airborne.



Hadshe said she was tired? All traces of exhaustion left her body as the Alicorn hurtled through the air, dipping and diving at the lightest of touches from Kellen, all while Raven struggled to process what felt like a gazillion sensations at once.

They were flying.


Hundreds of feet in the air.

The ground disappeared below them at a dizzying speed, Galway’s busy streets shrinking until the people merely looked like a train of ants scurrying to their nest. The breeze blew her hair back, tickling her cheeks with a shock of cold air, and then they were through the clouds, damp mist clinging to their skin. Every time the Alicorn dipped on the wind, Raven’s stomach tumbled with it, and if she’d eaten anything of substance in the last few days, she likely would have lost it. Instead, a burning knot of unease mixed with excitement settled low in her gut, and she held her breath.

“Breathe,” Kellen instructed at her ear, and she shivered as his warm breath teased the damp skin of her neck.

“Iambloody well breathing,” Raven shot back, even though shehadbeen holding her breath at that particular moment. The air was tight up here, yet she still managed to breathe just fine, which was a question for another time. Kellen shifted, his muscular arm like iron around her waist, his hand lightly stroking her side. Did he even realize what he was doing? Her thoughts skidded between fear of plummeting to her death and the way his hand traced the sensitive skin. Over and over, he stroked her, like she was a nervous animal, and heat bloomed low in her body as she shifted once more between his legs.

“Must you keep fidgeting?” Kellen asked with a sigh, and then Raven felt why he was so annoyed.


His hard length pressed against her back, right where she was nestled between his legs, and instantly her entire body flushed with heat. It was as though someone had thrown a switch, and no longer was she worried about death or Dark Fae. No. Now her only worry was what Kellen would do to her once they arrived, well, wherever he was taking her. By any indication, the man was attracted to her. Would he expect her to…perform for him? In exchange for her safety? If so, Raven would demand Bianca return her to Galway. There was no way in hell that she’d do something like that. Though she’d fallen on hard times in the past, Raven drew the line at exchanging sex acts for money. Not that there was anything wrong with that, she had many a friend who affectionately referred to themselves as “happy hoes,” but it was a vulnerability issue for Raven.

She’d never been with a man before.
