Page 24 of Lyric of Wind

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“That’s…an excellent point,” Bianca muttered. “Annoying, because it almost seemed like we’d have an easy out with Danu. But nothing in life comes easy, does it?”

“Right. So back to the four-amulet ritual and an attack in her realm. What specifically are we trying to accomplish in the Dark Realm?” Seamus asked. “Just so I know what my mission is?”

“Weaken her army. Make them not trust her. Make it so they are less likely to do her bidding. Some of what she’s doing up here. But when we go, we go big. We take out as many as we can,” Callum said, shaking his head with a look of regret on his face. “Not that I ever advocate for killing huge amounts of Fae, but—”

“They’re not like you anyway,” Raven interjected, and again the room turned to her in surprise. “What? You guys said you were fighters. Don’t you analyze the opponents? They’re not bright. At all. If anything, they’re merely puppets. I haven’t had as much interaction with them as you have, but they just seem to be following the motions. I don’t think they have the capacity for quick thinking. If that makes it any easier to take them out.”

“It might,” Callum said, a smile quirking his lips. “It’s kill or be killed at this point. The time has come for force.”

“So? We’re agreed? Call the other Elementals here? Figure out the ritual? Invade the Dark Realm? What’s our timeline?” Kellen looked around the room.

“Two days’ time. Enough to prepare, but not give away what we’re doing to Domnua.”

“Let’s inform the people.”

Raven made a loud buzzer sound, and Kellen gaped at her.

“What was that?”

“Wrong answer, boyo. You’ve got a traitor, and you’re just going to go tell everyone your plans? I think you might want to review that decision.” Raven circled a finger in the air by her head.

“She’s not wrong. Can you ready your army without revealing too much?” Callum asked.

“Just misdirect them. Tell them you’re going to…I don’t know, someplace else. Or that you know she’s coming and you’re getting ready. You can make it look like you’re preparing for something else but be ready to move. You have to stay one step ahead here,” Raven said, and Kellen just looked at her, and wondered what kind of life she’d lived that made her able to assess a situation in such a manner. He needed to ask her what she meant about life on the streets, but that would be for another time.

“Tell them I’m calling the armies to the Danula Castle. That we’re gathering there in three days’ time,” Callum suggested, and Raven nodded her approval.

“Now you’re thinking smart.”

“I’m so glad you approve.” The king of all the Fae raised an eyebrow at Raven, and she beamed at him.

“Happy to help. I’ll be here all night.”



“You’re coming with me.”

Raven raised an eyebrow at Kellen’s words. She’d rather go along with Bianca and help research the ritual. Surely, they could use all the help they could get with digging through the old manuscripts. But there was something in Kellen’s tone that brooked no disagreement. Which was unusual for her, and Raven felt annoyed as she followed Kellen from the room.

“Yes, sir. Whatever you say, sir. At your service, sir.” Raven put a jaunty note in her tone, needling Kellen as she followed him down a pathway that led deeper into the mountain. It annoyed her even further when he didn’t respond to her baiting, so she stepped it up a notch.

“Is that what all the ladies do? Just follow you around at your command? Must give you quite the ego, right?”

Kellen stopped at a door and held his palm to a carved slot. A click sounded and Raven realized that he’d unlocked the door with just his hand. When she followed him inside, an uneasy feeling rose. If the only way in was through a palm scanner, then…

The door slammed behind her, and Raven stilled, her senses on alert. She affected carelessness.

“Bet the women love that little party trick.”

“What is with you?” Kellen whirled on her and stalked forward until Raven’s back was against the wall. Her pulse hammered in her throat, and she forced herself to breathe evenly as he loomed over her, readying herself to fight if necessary. “Why the constant need to push and push? I’ve done nothing to you other thanhelpyou. Yes, I needed you to come with me. I’m the ruler here. I’m used to giving commands. It’s not an ego thing. It’s just the way of it. You tell people what to do as a leader. That is what they look for.”

“You’re notmyleader.” Raven lifted her chin, meeting his stormy gaze.

Kellen placed his hands on either side of Raven, not touching her, but caging her, nonetheless. Instantly, she stilled, watching for the slightest indication that he would move to hurt her.

“The only reason that I haven’t told anyone about your little voice trick that you do is because I’m hoping you’ll still tell me where your magick comes from. I’m going to ask you one last time, Raven.Whoare you?” His voice, though firm, held a note of exhaustion, and it was that which caused Raven to relent.
