Page 47 of Lyric of Wind

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Raven’s mouth worked, but nothing came out, and her hand went to a necklace at her throat that Kellen hadn’t noticed her wearing before.

“You?” Raven finally spoke, her face inscrutable. She stood, frozen.

“Yes, my dearest one. I’ve come for you. Can’t you feel it? When I’m close? The call to power thrums in your blood. You’ve always been destined for this, my child. The time has come. You’re needed to help rule. Together we’ll fly.”

“All these years…” Raven whispered, and Domnu waved her words away, turning to where Kellen snarled at her.

“Your fated mate carries secrets from you. Do you know that? She’s had the amulet all along. Now that the others have been destroyed, she’s the strongest of all the Fae.”

“No.” Bianca stepped forward, shaking her head. “No, Raven. That can’t be true.”

“But it is. Isn’t it, my dear?” When Raven said nothing, her expression like stone, Domnu strode forward and reached a hand into Raven’s jacket pocket. Raven remained frozen, whether through fear or Domnu’s magick, and when Domnu turned, the amulet in her hand, his heart shattered.

A collective gasp went through the crowd, and Domnu laughed, enjoying the drama of it all, before tucking the coin back in Raven’s pocket. Gently she ran a hand over Raven’s brow, a look of love hovering on her evil face.

“My beautiful daughter. It’s time. Join me in the Dark Realm, and we’ll be unstoppable. Together, our power will grow wider, and the world will never be the same.”

“Don’t go, Raven,” Bianca ordered, trying to capture Raven’s attention. “Welove you, Raven. She doesn’t. It doesn’t matter if she’s your mother. We’ll love you anyway. Don’t leave with her. You don’t have to do this.”

“Oh, but I think she wants to.” Domnu beamed as Raven stepped forward, her face still betraying no emotion. Had she completely shut down? Kellen couldn’t understand what she was doing. Where had the tough, feisty woman he’d known gone? Instead, she looked numbed, like she wasn’t even really there. Raven didn’t spare Kellen a single glance, only keeping her eyes trained on Domnu.

Her mother.

“I’ll go.” Raven’s words were but a whisper, yet they carried the impact of a sledgehammer.

“Brilliant.” Domnu reached out and grabbed Raven’s arm, and before any of them could react, the two disappeared from sight. Kellen dropped to his knees, his head in his hands, as his world crumbled. It didn’t matter now, what would happen, for he had a death sentence hanging over his head. Raven had never claimed him back, and now that she was gone, he couldn’t revoke his claim. His love, his fated mate, was a daughter of the Dark Goddess, and together, they were going to destroy the world as he knew it.

Laughter danced across the air, and the rage that Kellen had barely kept contained unleashed. He was on top of his father before the others could stop him. Slamming his fist into Devlin’s face, Kellen was rewarded with a satisfying crunching sound and blood sprayed from his father’s nose. The man crumpled, but still Kellen didn’t stop, delivering punishing blows until Callum finally pulled him off.

“You’ll kill him. Stop it. This is an order from your king.” Callum’s voice was sharp at his ear, and the haze that covered Kellen’s eyes faded. Looking down at where his father now lay in a bloody pulp on the ground, Kellen spat on him.

“That’s enough.” Callum drew him away. Kellen’s fists stung, but he welcomed the pain. He wanted more of it, actually,anythingother than to think about how Raven had just left with the Dark Goddess.

“Don’t believe it.” Kellen looked up at where Lily stood, wringing her hands, sympathy on her face. “Don’t let Domnu trick you. I don’t know what’s going on, but Raven wouldn’t betray you.”

“She wouldn’t,” Bianca agreed, stepping forward with a towel to wipe Kellen’s hands.

“She just did,” Kellen bit out. He wanted to scream at them all to shut up, to stop talking, to just leave him alone, but even Kellen couldn’t bring himself to yell at sweet Lily.

“She may have her own reasons. She’s never known a mother. Maybe she just needed to get some questions answered,” Lily offered.

“While betraying every last one of us in the process.”

“I’ll admit, it does look bad,” Bianca said, but she shook her head, confusion in her eyes. “But it doesn’t ring true. Something’s not landing for me.”

“Lovely. Let me know when you figure out what it is. In the meantime, I’ll be drinking myself into a stupor.”

Kellen strode away, not addressing his people, no longer caring what happened. Why should he? His world had been shattered.

Something glinted on the ground at his feet, and he picked it up, realizing it was the necklace that Raven had worn. Turning it over, he read the ancient Fae inscription, and his stomach dropped. Closing his eyes, he brought the necklace to his heart.


Only those of the same blood can kill a goddess.

Only those of the same blood…

Was she … No, surely not.
