Page 6 of Arranged Silverfox

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He grabbed my arm, pulling me away from Chad and against him.

I gasped as I collided with his muscular chest. I looked up into his heated, dark eyes.

His pronounced jaw was set in a firm grimace, and a lock of his dark hair brushed against his forehead. I breathed in the scent of his musky cologne, the smell of sandalwood and amber filling my nostrils.

“We’re leaving.” He looked over at Jasmine. “You too. Albert will take you home.”

I looked over his shoulder and saw Albert waiting patiently.

“Okay.” Jasmine kissed Jay one last time and hurried up out of his lap.

“We were leaving anyway,” she said quickly.

Jasmine stumbled backward, and Jay caught her elbow, steadying her.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Seriously? The two of you can’t even hold your liquor. Typical Kappa Beta Bimbo behavior.” Sebastian’s voice dripped with sarcasm.

At that moment, I hated him. How dare he waltz in here and immediately judge Jasmine and me for having one wild night out! I’m pretty sure he had been partying and depleting Ibiza of its MDMA supply since I was in middle school!

The double standard made my blood boil.

“Hey,” I said, shoving his rock-hard chest. “You can’t talk to us like that.”

“You heard her, man. Back off.” Chad wedged himself between Sebastian and I, puffing up his tanned chest. While I didn’t need the help, I was grateful to have someone else in my corner.

I turned to Jasmine, “Do you see what I have to deal with?” I asked.

Sebastian glared at me again. “You’re not dealing with anything! I’m the one who’s stuck hauling your drunk ass home.”

“I’m not drunk,” I insisted, stumbling forward.

“Yeah, she’s fine! You’re the one who’s being a dick,” Chad insisted. Sebastian closed the distance between them. They were so close their noses were touching.

“Listen, kid, you don’t want any trouble from me,” Sebastian growled.

He frowned. “Who are you? Her uncle? Why the fuck are you trying to boss her around? You’re not the boss of her!”

Jasmine erupted in a chorus of giggles.

Sebastian whipped out a velvet box from his jacket. “You’re right. I’m not her boss. I’m her fiancé.”

He slipped the ring onto my finger. Smaller diamonds surrounded a stunning three-carat, pear-shaped diamond on a platinum band.

“It’s gorgeous,” I admitted. I was impressed. Now, if only the person giving me a ring wasn’t in charge of real estate for Dicksville, USA.

Jasmine agreed. Albert stepped forward. He’d retrieved our coats from coat check. “Miss Jasmine, are you ready?” he asked, handing Jasmine her jacket.

Jasmine nodded and shrugged on her coat. “Happy birthday!” she cried, pulling me into a hug. She turned to Jay and winked. “And I’ll see you later,” she cooed, running her hand across his chest. Jay looked enthralled.

“I’ll walk out with you,” he offered.

Jasmine, Jay, and Albert exited the club in a flurry of activity, leaving me alone with the reality of my ring … and spending the rest of my life with this pompous ass.

“Oh my God! I can’t get married! Especially not to you! What the hell? This is going to be a disaster!” I wailed.

“Shhh! Be quiet! Don’t make a scene. Let’s get out of here,” he hissed, grabbing me by my elbow.

“How do I even know if you’re a good kisser? You’re like a gazillion years old, and you’re not married! There must be a reason why!”
