Page 65 of Quiet

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”You either call him or I’ll go find himself myself.”

”Alright,” I said, sighing. I grabbed my phone from the coffee table, scrolled to his contact card and pressed the call button.

He picked up on the second ring.

”Hey, boss,” he said. ”I’m a little tied up with something. Let me give you a call back in ten minutes.”

He hung up immediately and my blood ran cold.

Sofia’s gaze darted between me and the phone and then it landed on me again, a question written all over her face. ”What did I miss there?”

”Did you hear that?”

She shook her head. ”Did I hear what? Grayson?”

”He works at a nightclub, Sofia,” I said. ”What did you hear in the background?”

”Nothing,” she replied. ”I didn’t hear anything.”

I looked into her eyes, dropping my arms and standing up so I could walk away from her. ”Do you understand what this means? It means that when I told him to go to the club so he would work. Instead, he went to look for your brother.”

”What do you mean that he went to look for my brother?” she asked, her eyes wide. She’d brought a pillow up to her knees and was hugging it closely, her hair wild and curly around her face.

I sighed. ”He wasn’t at a nightclub, Sof,” I said. ”There was no sound behind him.”

She shook her head. ”Grayson wouldn’t do that,” she said softly.

”Respectfully, you have no fucking clue what Grayson would do,” I told her. ”You don’t know him like I do.”

”I told you that my brother is not responsible for these murders.”

I sighed, getting to my knees in front of her. ”Listen to me, Sofia,” I said. ”I know that’s what you want to think. I get it. You have every reason to trust your brother. I don’t know him so I don’t trust him. You understand that, right?”

”But you trust me.”

”Yes,” I said. ”I trust you. But I think this is someone close to you and, if there's anything that Grayson finds that makes him think that your brother is the Orchid Strangler, he's going to take things into his own hands, and it's going to be very difficult to come back from.”

”What are you implying?”

”I’m not implying anything, Sof. He’s going to kill him.”

She shook her head desperately, her curly hair moving around her pretty face. ”No,” she said softly.


”You have to stop him, you have to stop him before he does anything to my brother,” she said. ”You have to promise me you’re going to stop him.”

”Okay,” I replied. ”I promise you I’ll stop him.”

I didn’t tell her that I’d never managed to stop Grayson from doing anything.

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Sofia

Iwasrunningaheadof Teo, though I wasn’t quite sure where I was going. It had only taken me a few times going in and out of HQ to realize that there were several entrances and exits, that they very rarely used the same one, and that the elevator Victor had used that first night was probably for freight.

I would’ve gotten lost if it wasn’t for Teo’s steadying hand on the small of my back. ”Hurry up,” I said to him, my voice thin.

Teo was right. I really liked Grayson, I thought he was kind and funny, but I’d clearly lost sight of the fact that every single one of these men was dangerous. That they would do anything to keep their power…and to keep me safe. Teo always seemed in control, but I could tell that this concerned him.

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