Page 10 of Wrong For You

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The mention of the pesky blonde raises my guard against an enemy invasion. Not only does she intrude on my thoughts, but also the one spot in town that offers a semblance of peace. Next thing I know, she’ll be dropping by the shop to get her car repaired. My fist clenches an innocent shirt from the heap as her potential destruction rains down. That woman gets under my skin like no other.

I shake off the irritation, forcing a smile for my daughter’s benefit. “Harper talks about me?”

She raises her arms and turns in a circle. “Only sometimes.”

I wait for her to elaborate, which she doesn’t. Grilling my daughter for more information is going too far, even for me. Or maybe I just don’t want to reveal more feelings. I’m raw enough as it is. Those musings break apart when Syd expels a loud sigh.

“Daddy, you aren’t watching.”

I blink to regain focus. “Huh?”

“Miss Harper taught me how to pirouette.” She lifts her arms in preparation to repeat the motion.

I stare as she bends her leg to rest a foot on the opposite knee, wobbling slightly before doing a slow spin. She almost topples sideways halfway through the action. That doesn’t stop pride from lifting my lips. “You look like a ballerina.”

Sydney beams at the praise. “Miss Harper says I’m the best in my class.”

“I bet she did,” I grumble under my breath.

“What’d you say?”

“You’re the best, Boop. Just like I said earlier.”

“It’s ‘cause I never miss a class. Miss Harper tells us practice is very important.”

“Sure is,” I mutter.

That encourages my daughter to prattle off a list of whyMiss Harperis the greatest teacher ever. Fuck, the woman is officially haunting me. In addition, the recent altercation with Roosters’ new bartender streams through my mental speakers like a solo track playlist. I’m not sure why she bothers me so much, but I need to get the fuck over it. As she flippantly mentioned yesterday, Knox Creek is big enough for both of us.

A decision arrives with startling urgency. If I simmer in her compliment stew for another moment, I’m bound to ask questions that are better left unsaid. The strain between my shoulders immediately relaxes.

I stand with an exaggerated groan, tossing in a stretch for bonus points. “My old bones are ready to move.”

Sydney gasps, abandoning the Harper topic with ease. “Does this mean we’re finally going outside?”

“Get your suit on, kiddo. The snow is calling.” And leaving other distractions behind.

Iinhale the strong aroma of hazelnut coffee brewed to caffeinated perfection. A small sip further proves that theory. Rich and sweet flavors burst on my tongue. The moan I release is too illicit for a public space.

A quick glance at my fellow java junkies in Bean Me Up shows them occupied with their own beverages. The late-morning crowd is thin, leaving most of the tables open. There’s no shame in complimenting the light roast. Not that a full house would stop me. With my next taste, I don’t stifle the satisfaction from spilling free.

“Careful, or you’ll turn me on.” Joy smiles at me from across the small table.

“It’s just too good.” I treat myself to another generous mouthful. My swallow is smoother than the caffeine.

“Rub it in a little harder.” She glares at her decaf like it’s personally offended her. Maybe it has, seeing as she’s in a very delicate state.

My gaze lowers to her rounded belly that’s even more pronounced in her seated position. “Thanks for meeting me, bestie.”

Joy huffs, sending stray hairs flying off her forehead. “As if I’d miss the chance to get a secondhand buzz off you. I gotta get my kicks wherever I can these days.”

I laugh while she rubs her bump. “Your little girl gives you plenty.”

“That she does. I can hardly go five minutes without needing to pee.”

“Bladder aerobics,” I giggle.

She wiggles in her chair for emphasis. “Ah, yes. It’s great for getting off my butt. Not so stellar for productivity. Thanks for picking up my slack.”
