Page 34 of Wrong For You

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“Sweet dreams,” he murmurs before releasing her.

Syd beams broadly at her adoring dad. “Nighty night. Don’t let the beddy-bugs bite.”

In response, the grumpiest man I’ve ever met blows his little girl a kiss. I sway into the wall with a thump. My elbow aches as the force of a swoon threatens to pull me under. Good grief, this man needs to come with a warning label. I’m still trying to gather my bearings while Sydney dashes into the hallway.

“C’mon, Miss Harper. It’s time for bed!” She prances up the stairs with Glitzy hot on her heels.

“I’m just… going to… go do that.” My statement is choppy, similar to the uneven breaths filling my lungs. I don’t dare look at Jake for fear that he’ll see the desire shining in my eyes. He’d never let me live that down. Instead, I spin on my heels with my cheeks burning.

Syd pokes her head out of the bathroom when I reach the landing. Her finger jabs at a door a few down. “Pick out a story to read while I get dressed, m’kay?”

“Sure, sweetie.” That’s easy enough to accomplish, I think.

“Thanks! I’ll be done super soon.”

My socked feet drag on the plush carpet as I inch toward her room. There’s a strange sensation creeping along my spine, as if I’m an intruder in their house. I set out to give Jake a shock with my unexpected arrival. Sydney requesting for me to be in charge of bedtime is another surprise entirely.

A pink princess paradise greets me when I step over the threshold. I almost stumble back from the abrupt change in scenery. Floor to ceiling is covered in fluff, frills, and fun. It’s like walking into every little girl’s dream sequence.

I shake off the stupor and focus on my assigned task. There’s a small shelf under the window stacked with options for me to choose from. My experience with children’s books is outdated at best. I run a finger along the spines, stopping at a hilarious title.

“Did you find one?” Syd reappears, clad in My Little Pony pajamas and fresh breath.

“Yep.” I whip my choice off the shelf for presentation.

She giggles. “That’s one of my favorites. It’s soooo funny.”

Sydney leaps onto the bed and dives under the covers. Glitzy isn’t far behind. She spins in several fast circles before curling up on a pillow. I perch on the edge, holding the book open at an optimal angle for Syd’s viewing.

“Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!” I read the title aloud, adding a goofy tone for extra enjoyment.

The opening dialogue already has me laughing. Syd’s eyelids droop lower with each page flip. By the fifth or sixth, she’s snoozing soundly. I smile at the energic whirlwind finally at rest. Soft snores provide further confirmation a minute later. That’s my cue. I tiptoe to turn off the lights and ease the door shut.

Jake is sprawled on one end of the couch when I return downstairs. The room is dim with only a small lamp casting a glow. His feet are kicked up on the low table, ankles crossed, beer in hand. He looks at home, which is only fitting.

“She’s all tucked in,” I say from my awkward stance near the foyer. Just a few paces to the left and I’ll show myself out.

“Wanna stay for a drink?”

The offer is surprising, but this entire evening has thrown me through enough loops to build a rollercoaster. “Um, I guess I can hang out for a bit longer.”

His chuckle is rich and raspy in the dark, beckoning me into the shadows. He’s probably been waiting all night to give me a piece of his mind. “Don’t sound too excited about it.”

“I just wasn’t expecting the offer.” Which fits the complex puzzle I’m still trying to solve.

I park my ass on the cushion, but my spine is stiff. Too many thoughts cloud my better judgment. Jake nudges an unopened beer toward me with his foot. Alcohol certainly won’t deliver clarity. A distinct pop breaks the silence as I crack the tab, announcing my decision to stick around.

“Bottoms up.” He lifts his own in the air.

Fizz and hops dance on my tongue before I swallow the bitter flavor. “Yummy.”

“Gets the job done.” He rolls the can between his palms, appearing deep in thought. “What were you gonna call me earlier?”

Several terms and choice words come to mind, most of them unflattering. “When?”

“In the garage before Syd cut you off about dinner. You started saying I was something. I’m curious as to what that might be.”

I gnaw at my inner cheek as another fierce blush takes root. “Impressive.”
