Page 59 of Wrong For You

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That gives me pause. It isn’t as if Jake needs me to watch his daughter while he runs errands. Half the town volunteers on a daily basis for that honor. Exaggeration or not, she isn’t on my doorstep to be looked after.

I study Sydney while trying to tease apart his motives. “Is there another reason you stopped over?”

Her eyes roll skyward. “Well, duh. I wanted to see you.”

The noise that wheezes from me is what it sounds like to melt in a child’s hand. My eyes sting as I try to regain my composure. “Good grief. You’re the cutest ever.”

She preens under my praise, ending on a curtsy. “I know.”

“And so modest. Do you get whatever you want, whenever you want it?”

Syd nods with another extra dose of enthusiasm. “My daddy says I’ll be lotsa trouble when I’m older.”

I’m tempted to believe it. “You’ll always be adorable. Use that in your favor.”

“Like to get a boyfriend? Daddy is gonna get a big stick to chase them away.” She claps a palm over her mouth at the funny thought.

“That’s good. You’re too young to date.” Even if it’s totally innocent and only used as a meaningless title.

She sticks out her tongue. “That’s what my dad said.”

“He’s right. No boyfriends until you’re twenty-five or whatever age he thinks is best.” It won’t end well for me if I go against his parenting advice.

“But that’s super old. I can’t wait that long to meet Prince Charming.” Her pout almost weakens my resolve.

“I turned twenty-five in December.”

Sydney gasps. “Really?”

“Yep. Does that make me super old?”

“Nuh-huh.” Her eyes twinkle. “But you’re gonna find true love soon.”

A strangled laugh steals my breath. “Oh, I don’t think so.”

She squeaks and begins clapping. “Are you already in love?”

I feel my eyes widen to twice their size. Words stick to my throat as I fumble for a response. The longer my delay, the hotter my face flames. All I manage is a muffled croak.

Her brows crinkle inward. “Huh?”

“No,” I blurt through a clogged windpipe.

Her sneaking suspicion narrows on me. “I think you’re in love, Miss Harper. Who is he?”

If this guessing game continues, Sydney is bound to assume I’m infatuated with her father. Which, well, I don’t know if I can deny. But that’s a sticky subject I don’t want to stumble into. I’d rather address any other topic her wild imagination can conjure.

My gaze swings in a blurred arc for a worthy distraction. That’s when I belatedly notice she’s still lingering in the hallway.

“Do you want to come in?” Maybe I’m crossing a line, but Jake should’ve considered that when he tucked tail to his truck. “Should we ask your dad?”

“He says it’s okay.” Syd rocket blasts into my apartment before I can step aside to grant her entry.

The KitKat bouquet nearly tumbles from my grip before I can set it aside out of harm’s way. I chew on my thumbnail while watching her dart around the confined space like a pinball. “It’s probably best to check with him. Just in case.”

“Whatever.” She shrugs before flinging herself onto my couch.

After a few trial wiggles to test the softness, Syd begins bouncing on her butt. The cushions puff and whine from the unexpected exertion. She doesn’t acknowledge the furniture’s distress, too preoccupied with the search for the next spot to explore. On cue, she launches from her seat in a graceful dismount. Then the mighty whirlwind dashes toward the kitchen.
