Page 63 of Wrong For You

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“It all happened so fast.” Harper palms her forehead. “Sydney is a smooth talker. Her negotiation skills are better than mine.”

“You’re telling me,” I chuckle. “Her quick wit gets me in trouble more often than I want to admit.”

My daughter glows under our verbal applause. “You gotta be careful with talkin’ too loud ‘cause I’m always listening.”

“And ready to turn the smallest crumb into a buffet to feed the town.” Which is how I’ve found myself as a juicy snack for the gossip food chain.

Syd nods, then skips to Harper’s side. She snuggles against her without an ounce of hesitation. Her eyelashes flutter shut in bliss when her second favorite person lifts an arm to wrap them in a tighter embrace.

The sight almost sends me crashing to my knees. Genuine relief like I’ve never felt floods me. This is a monumental moment that I’ve been desperate to witness.

“You’re gonna be my new mom,” Sydney murmurs.

“Umm, well…” Harper seems to struggle for a response. Her throat works overtime to gulp in oxygen.

“Does it bother you?” I tilt my chin while taking a long look at the satisfying picture they create.

“No.” A serene smile curves her lips as she toys with Syd’s hair. “I just don’t want to cause complications, for either of you.”

My gut seizes at the hurt in her voice. That careless comment will haunt me until I convince her it’s a lie. “You’re not a complication. Far from it.”

Even if she were creating problems, the damage has been done for years. It’s not a secret that my daughter is borderline obsessed with her dance teacher. Maybe it runs in the family.

Harper implores me with her soulful gaze. “How can you be so sure?”

“Have you seen the way my little girl looks at you? There’s nothing wrong with that.” Another layer of comfort blankets me.

She lowers her eyes to catch Syd’s blatant adoration. “We have a bond, huh?”

“Yep. That’s why you’re gonna be my mom. Right, Harper?” The sugary plea in her tone has me on board, as if I wasn’t invested already.

With the shock of her declaration fading, I notice she’s dropped the formality. “Where didMissHarper go?”

“Don’t be silly. She’s right here, Daddy.” My daughter rolls her eyes. “But I’m not gonna call her Miss Harper anymore ‘cause she’s waaaaay more than my teacher. I only asked if she’d pretend to be my fake mom. But maybe if I wish hard enough, it’ll come true.”

My mind spins with the swift progression of her plan. “This is getting serious. How long did I leave you two alone?”

Something like suspicion narrows Harper’s eyes as she studies me. “Are you behind this?”

“I wish I could take credit. That honor belongs solely to the mastermind attached to your hip.”

Syd’s sly grin reveals the truth. It’s even easier to pin her as the guilty party when her mouth is stained red. “You’ll always be with me, Daddy. That’s what Harper said. I need a mama who wants to be with me too.”

My head hangs under the weight of her hopes and what’s missing. Unfortunately, her mother doesn’t share the belief that her involvement is necessary. It’s suddenly hard to draw my next breath. Morgan doesn’t have a clue about the pain her actions are causing. Our little girl just wants to feel loved by her parents. That’s not much to ask as a child. It’s what I’ve wanted for her since she was born.

Instead of letting regret consume me, I replay her full statement. The praise that I’m a reliable presence allows me to forget my shortcomings. It’s especially beneficial where the blonde bombshell cuddling my daughter is concerned.

“You’ve got me no matter what, Boop.” I lower into a crouch, spreading my arms wide.

Sydney flies at me in a blur of motion. We crash together in a well-practiced embrace. “Love you, Daddy. You’re the bestest.”

Warmth soaks my hardened exterior as I absorb her kindness. “Love you more, my sweet miracle.”

Harper sighs from her spot several paces away. The reaction holds a slight edge that requests attention. Then she mutters, “I’m totally a complication.”

Syd breaks apart from our hug to question me. “What’s a complication?”

I stand, scrubbing a hand over my mouth to muffle the curse of that damn word. “It’s like when something makes a situation difficult or more challenging. A bump in the road.”
