Page 78 of Wrong For You

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She stares at me, locking our gazes in an unbreakable trance that leaves me exposed and dangling in her clutches. Whatever she sees has moisture pooling in her eyes. “I should finish cleaning.”

Garrett appears behind her with impeccable timing. “Nah, you can get going. I’ll finish what’s left to do behind the bar.”

She peeks at him, and I bristle at the loss of her attention. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. You busted ass all night.” That’s the instant he decides it’s a smart choice to massage her neck. He must have a desire to meet my fist.

“Hands to yourself, Foster.” The threat in my voice has him raising his palms.

He chuckles, but the sound is tense. “You don’t gotta worry about me, Evans. Harps is like a sister to me.”

“I won’t worry about you so long as you don’t touch my girl.”

That gets a disgruntled squeak from Harper. “I’m not your girl, JJ.”

My grunt strongly disagrees. “Does that stand for Jealous Jacob?”

“It does now,” she returns.

“Good. I’ll own that shit. You’re mine, Pitch. The faster you realize it, the fewer black eyes I’ll have to deliver.”

Her eyes roll skyward. “And for a second I thought you were being sweet.”

“We were interrupted.” The gift in my pocket burns with renewed purpose. “C’mere.”

She remains firmly rooted. “Why?”

“I need you closer. Please,” I tack on in an effort to be decent for once.

Harper shuffles to the gap and rounds the counter, although hesitation measures her gait. I flip my hat backward in preparation. Once she’s within reach, I tug on her belt loop to drag her between my splayed legs. Then I cradle her jaw in a gentle embrace fit for the precious treasure she is.

My sole focus doesn’t waver from hers. “Forgive me?”

Her chest rises and falls with a heavy delay. “Are you actually sorry?”

“For telling Garrett to fuck off? Not even a little bit.”

Her mouth forms a firm line. “Then why are you apologizing? If that’s even what you’re doing.” She flails her arms between us.

My fingers dig into her hips to anchor our bodies together. “I don’t want you to be upset with me.”

“Maybe you haven’t noticed, but your offenses are already stacked to the ceiling.” Harper points upward for emphasis.

“Can I make it up to you?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be doing that already?”

Regret expels from my lungs in a weighted sigh. “I’m an incurable asshole, but I’m trying to be better. Only for you and Syd, though. Everyone else can kick rocks.”

Harper fights a smile, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. “I don’t mind you being rough around the edges. It’s kinda sexy when you defend my honor, even against Garrett’s harmless flirtations.”

A rumble builds in my chest. “Probably shouldn’t have told me that, Pitch.”

“Why not?”

“You just gave me permission to be an unreasonable brute. I’ll be relentless in my efforts to protect you.” The insistence to be territorial whenever she’s concerned already surges in my veins.

“Okay,” she breathes a few inches short of my lips. “That pairs well with how openly affectionate you are. I’m a fan of that too.”
