Page 109 of Yours to Catch

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“Same, I guess.” Layla purses her lips while eyeing my boyfriend like the prized stallion he is.

I swat her arm. “Don’t worry about this one. She’s bold and brazen and lacks a decent filter.”

Layla shrugs. “Guilty.”

“Well, well, well. Fancy seeing you here.”

I whirl to greet the chipper voice. Joy wiggles her fingers at me while approaching our group. Cole is beside her with Belle cradled in his capable arms. An older couple flanks her on the other side.

Garrett hoots and rubs his hands together. “Mom and Dad, this is Grace. She’s my soulmate.”

“Glad you finally admit she’s more than a friend,” Joy mutters.

Meanwhile, his mother beams at me. “You can call me Mary, for now. This is my husband.”

“Kent,” he provides and extends his palm.

I accept his proffered greeting. “Pleasure to meet you both.”

Without warning, Mary lunges forward to wrap me in a hug. “Thank you.”

I lift my arms around her, although my movements are a tad wooden. “You’re welcome?”

She pulls away and there are tears shimmering in her eyes. “I’m grateful that you found him. He needed you.”

“We found each other,” I whisper.

Her sniffles tug at my heartstrings. “Yes, of course. It’s a miracle.”

After another tight squeeze, Mary releases me. I handle the remaining introductions. Dad and Layla seamlessly blend with Garrett’s family. My pulse thumps to a giddy beat at the sight.

My father scrubs over his beard. “I heard you had the misfortune of bumping into Dale. That kid has always been a punk. A huge chip gouged his shoulder after his parents split. It didn’t help when I married his mom.”

Garrett’s sigh is thick. “He’s definitely dealing with something. Your daughter put him in his place. We probably won’t see him again.”

“Or if we do, Ridge will take him out back.” I nod to where the protective grump is slinging drinks.

“I wouldn’t mess with him,” Cole mutters.

That draws Garrett’s focus to him and who he’s holding. “Gimme that baby.”

Our bunch coos as a whole when Belle is transferred onto him. He peppers her tiny face with kisses. My ovaries whimper while preparing for overtime shifts. Mary dabs at her wet eyes when he begins rocking to a natural rhythm.

“Is it too early for me to ask for grandbabies?”

“Yes,” Garrett blurts.

I just giggle. “It wasn’t long ago that he refused to be in a relationship. We’re making a lot of progress.”

My boyfriend hums. “See? She gets me.”

Mary squints at us. “I give it three months before there’s a bun in the oven.”

“Mother,” Joy chides.

“There’s no denying fate,” she quips.

“Don’t I know it. Doris would be delighted.” I wink at Garrett.
