Page 16 of Yours to Catch

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The preferential treatment releases misguided flutters in my belly. It’s difficult to concentrate on a love connection whenever he’s nearby. I stare at a football poster on the wall to stop myself from suggesting a compromise.

“Want me to get him over here?” There’s no telling who he’s referring to since I’m not looking at anyone in particular.

I tease apart his motives instead. “You’re serious about helping me?”

“Why not?”

“What’s in it for you?”

“Aside from diverting unwanted attention from myself?” He nods toward the woman from earlier.

“Didn’t look unwanted from where I’m sitting.”

He winks. “I’m very good at what I do.”

There’s no stopping my eyes from rolling skyward. “Okay, fine. What else do you get from being my wingman?”

His shrug is lazy. “I want to see you satisfied. That’s what friends are for.”

“If you say so.”

“I do,” he boasts and rubs his hands together. “Now, back to business. How about that bloke? Does he make your beef curtains tingle?”

I sputter over his choice of phrasing. “My what?”

“Penis fly trap,” he hollers too loud.

A fierce blush heats my entire face. “What’s happening right now?”

“If you’re questioning it, the answer is no. Moving on.” Garrett skewers the unsuspecting bunch with a calculated squint. “That guy by the dart boards is a decent choice. I grew up with him. My mom tried to marry him off to Joy. It didn’t work for them, but he could be a happily ever after for you.”

My gaze trails to where he points. Confusion instantly follows. “You think we would fit together as a couple?”

“Yeah, why not?” Only genuine curiosity bleeds from his tone.

It’s once again apparent that Garrett doesn’t see weight as an issue. Toxic negativity rips at my throat, demanding to ridicule his unawareness. But those are my insecurities. I can’t fault him for overlooking a factor I’ll never be able to ignore. It’s one of his many endearing qualities.

“He’s very thin.” As in a strong gust could tip him over. Guilt threatens to suffocate me just for voicing the reason aloud. I can’t deny the facts, though.

Garrett reviews his pick through narrowed eyes. “Yeah, twigs aren’t my favorite either. But I pride myself on being an equal opportunity lover for all the ladies. It’s the person, not the package.”

“Which I admire, but it’s not that easy for me.”

“How so?”

“You don’t see how disproportionate we are? Really?” I gesture at my plus-sized figure.

“Does that bother you?”

“Unfortunately. It’s deeply ingrained.” Not to mention a permanent scar outlined in a traumatic memory. I blow out a heavy sigh. “I’m sure he’s a wonderful man, but I’d be constantly concerned about crushing him.”

Garrett drops his jaw. “Seriously?”

“Yes,” I insist. “He’s tiny compared to me.”

His Adam’s apple bobs with a thick swallow. “Am I being ignorant?”

“You’re not. It’s my problem.” I avert my watery stare, unable to take the regret in his.
