Page 35 of Yours to Catch

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“Touchy subject?”

“Not really. I just wasn’t good enough for the big league.”

“That’s a bummer.” Her throat bobs with a hard gulp. “My brother is a major jock.”

“Present tense?”

“As far as I know. We don’t keep tabs.” Her voice drops with that admission.

I wince. “Ah, right.”

Grace shrugs, her spirits rebounding almost immediately. “Football is my favorite to watch.”

“Keep spouting like that and I’ll flip the channel to highlights from last season.”

She swirls her finger in a puddle of condensation. “I wouldn’t mind.”

“Fuuuuuck, that’s some damn good foreplay.” Before I suggest licking whipped cream off her tits, I squirt a thick spiral on her frosty cocktail. I can’t resist adding a cherry as the final touch.

“Wolf in his element,” she murmurs.

“What’s that?”

“You’re very sexy.” Grace bites her bottom lip.

It’s my turn to swallow roughly. “I thought you weren’t attracted to me anymore.”

“That was a lie.”

“You don’t say,” I drawl.

“And this is what I have to say about your hot buns.” She blows me a noisy kiss. “Mwah!”

A loud chuckle bursts from me in response. “I like you liquored up. You speak your mind, which reminds me…”

That whimsical glint returns to her gaze when I slide the finished product in front of her. “This is all for me?”

“I made it just for you.”

“Looks like dessert.”

“Try it and find out, Peaches.” The nickname gets me thinking about her juicy ass, which leads my mind into filthy territory.

Grace stirs the tropical concoction with the bendy straw I included. “Peaches?”

“Has a special ring to it.”

The hum she releases after a small sip tightens my balls. “Ohhhhhh, this is sinfully delicious. You’re a genius.”

“Anything else?” I croak.

“I’m all set.” Then she proceeds to guzzle down the icy blend as if it’s a race. Her arms launch straight to the ceiling when the slurpy echo signals that her glass is empty. “Done!”

My brows fling upward. “That was impressive.”

Grace hisses and rubs her temples. “Owwwie, I have a brain freeze.”

“Could’ve predicted that,” I chuckle.
