Page 4 of Yours to Catch

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“Until then, you should order a Tie Me to the Bedpost from Garrett. Get me one too.”

I sputter on my next breath. “Is that an actual drink?”

“Go find out.” She sweeps an arm toward a specific section of the room.

“My neglected lady bits won’t appreciate the tease.”

“Another challenge for your freshly forged chastity belt. Look but don’t touch. Take a long whiff of his manly scent.” Abbie pauses for dramatic impact while drawing in a breath. “Or treat yourself to a bang-a-thon, just this once. It’s like cheating on your diet.”

“No.” I shake my head.

“Why not? You can get back on it tomorrow.”

“That’s how bad habits thrive, not to mention I just started this resolution on the first of the year. It’s barely mid-March.”

“Far as I’m concerned, you’ve put in enough of a valiant effort. I mean, aside from your outfit.” Her gaze sweeps along my upper half that’s in clear view.

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I glance down to see if a stain is earning her distaste.

“Is that a cardigan?” Her tone is steeped in mock horror.

I fiddle with a pearly button. “It gives off a polished impression that suggests I’m classy.”

She snorts. “Uh-huh, and the amount of cleavage spilling from your dress pairs quite nicely.”

My flat expression reflects how lacking I find her humor. “There’s only so much I can do to conceal my generous assets.”

“Girl, stop. Your lush thickness is meant to be envied—or worshiped depending on the person leering. Ditch the sweater and flaunt your tatas like the secret weapons they are.” Her praise fluffs my confidence as intended.

But still, my priorities don’t waiver. “I’m not joking about this, Abs. Casual dating is behind me. Committed relationships only. The more serious the better. I want the real deal with a guy who will appreciate each spare inch my waistline has to offer. It’s important to me, especially after…” I let the meaning trail off.

She sighs, guilt splashing across her features. “You’re right. I should be more supportive. Mr. Marriage Proposal on the Fifth Date will show up eventually.”

My eyes roll at her exaggeration. “That’s the spirit.”

“In the meantime, I hope you bought extra batteries. Those top-drawer boyfriends are about to come in handy and cause quite a buzz. Pun intended.” She cackles in comedic fashion.

“They were a parting gift from my loose standards. I’m well equipped to handle a drought.”

“This calls for a toast.” Abbie lifts a fake glass in a mock salute. “Cheers to cobwebs in your vagina and more manwhores for me.”

“How’s it going over there, big guy?” I holler across the temporary patio to gain a reaction from the scowling brute who’s posted in the opposite corner.

Ridge doesn’t disappoint. His expression darkens as he glares at me from behind his portable bar cart. My buddy is known as the least approachable Roosters’ owner for a reason. As a former defenseman, the hockey star maintains a steely guard that’s fit for a professional bruiser. That harsh shield doesn’t slip even while he’s slinging drinks at the town’s annual spring festival.

“Just grand,” he bellows in response.

This isn’t Ridge’s preferred role. The permanent frown he’s wearing lets everyone in the direct vicinity know it. That doesn’t discourage a horde of ladies from waiting patiently to try their luck at improving the grump’s mood.

His gaze scours the thirsty customers gathered in front of his station. It’s almost as if he’s searching for someone in particular. Or maybe he’s just looking for the end that’s nowhere near. The line resembles a continuous stream.

I cast my sights on those gathered in our sectioned-off area, and then to the overflow waiting for entry on Main Street. “Damn fine turnout today. Might be the busiest Knox Creek has seen.”

Ridge shrugs in that noncommittal way of his and resumes taking orders. I do the same in hopes that a break in congestion will magically appear. With that goal in mind, the motions of serving our loyal patrons blur into a seamless flow until I’m lost in the task. Shmooze, pour, shake when necessary, shmooze again, accept payment, leave them wanting more, and repeat. It’s a reliable routine that increases our business with each passing season.

The support from our small community never ceases to amaze me. That’s precisely why I convinced Ridge and Drake—the third and final piece in our partnership—to open shop in my hometown. I didn’t have to twist their arms too hard to invest. Both have more money than they could spend responsibly. It’s still a shock they chose to move here to be involved in the daily grind, though.
