Page 133 of The Curse Defiers

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I glanced at the table, my heart racing. Had I gambled wrong when I put the ring on my left hand?

The two men who’d grabbed me earlier took hold of my arms and dragged me to the makeshift altar, then lifted me onto the table in a sitting position.

“Ellie,” Jeremiah said. “If you’d please cooperate and lie down.”

If this wasn’t so dire, I’d laugh. So polite. Ellie, please lie down so we can slaughter you. But they probably expected me to put up a huge fuss. They probably got off on it.

This was a huge gamble. Probably a stupid one, but David had told me to trust my instincts and every part of me screamed this was the right thing to do. “I’ll lie down and I’ll let you perform your sacrifice—”

“No!” David shouted.

“—but all I ask is two things. That you don’t tie me down, and that you allow me to meet the Great One.”

“We’ll try the first. The second has already been arranged.”

A million butterflies with razors for wings flapped furiously in my stomach. My thumb rubbed the band on the backside of my finger.

“Ellie!” Collin shouted. “What the fuckare you doing?”

I turned to him and stared into his eyes for a long second. “Collin, I’m going to need you soon. To help me finish my sacrifice.”

His eyes hardened. “Okay.”

He understood. I resisted the impulse to cry with relief. “I have one more request. I want to see the great Sword of Galahad.”

The man’s voice thinned. “Have no fear, you will see it in a few moments. But I’m curious: Why are you being so cooperative?”

“I’ve seen what the demons are capable of. I was born and raised to protect humanity. I’ve proven myself incapable of protecting it on my own. If this will ultimately stop their ravaging, then I willingly make this sacrifice.”

“You have proven wise and selfless. We will sing our praise of the martyr who was willing to give herself so others might live. It is good.”

The group murmured as one. “It is good.”

Goose bumps broke out across my arms.

“Ellie!” David shouted, his arms jerking the ropes so hard it looked as if he was going to dislocate his shoulders. “Stop!”

My heart raced and I fought my impulse to suck in deep lungfuls of air as I lay down on the table. I’d never been more scared in my life, but I had to keep control. I had to get out of this and save David.

“Great One, she is ready.”

The air stilled as a small figure in a blood-red robe broke through the white-robed Guardians, a golden sword in hand. The hooded figure moved gracefully toward us, stopping at the edge of the makeshift altar. She held the sword parallel to my body with one hand, the other reaching for her hood and pulling it down.

Myra smiled down at me. “Hello, Ellie.”


“Myra?” My shock was too great to hide. “Why?” I wailed, struggling to sit up and confront her. But I’d broken the rules and the two men were quickly at my side, tying my hands to the legs of the table. I bucked and fought. This wasn’t going according to the skimpy plan I’d scrambled together at the last minute.

Grunts and moans came from Collin’s direction and I saw three bodies lying on the ground. As I watched, he struck another, ramming the sword into the figure’s abdomen. White-clad figures rushed toward him, pulling out knives as they ran.

Where were my bodyguards? This was officially an emergency, and I needed them now more than ever. “Tsagasi,” I called out. “I need you.Save David and Collin.”

Myra had been momentarily distracted by Collin’s attempt to free me, but now she turned her attention back to me. Her fingers touched my check and trailed down to my neck, lightly pressing my pulse point. “I’ve wanted your blood for weeks, but I had to wait until the time was right. Until your power was strong and you were ready.”

Weeks?Jeremiah had said the Great One had assumed the image of her latest victim.

Did that mean Myra was dead?
