Page 20 of The Curse Defiers

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“Those pregnancies were unacceptable. Three were boys, which automatically ruled them out since Collin isn’t gay. One of the girls was deemed incompatible. She would have been too meek and Collin wouldn’t have given her the time of day. The second would have developed leukemia at age six, then died ten years later. Finally, there was you.” He grinned and took several steps toward me, stopping two feet in front of me. “And you wereperfect. A fire that would catch his interest. A stubbornness to keep him on his toes.” Okeus lifted his hand to my cheek, running his fingertips down to my jaw. “A beauty that would draw him to you. The fact that you are a witness to creation was a lucky coincidence.”

I resisted the urge to wrap my arms around myself. My thin sundress was soaking wet and clung to every curve of my body. “There are no coincidences in any of this.”

His gaze fell to my right hand. “Take that ring on your hand. If only you knew its history, its intended purpose.”

I curled my fingers into a fist.

A devious grin spread across his face. “No coincidences? Are you so sure of that? Granted, many things have been finely orchestrated, more nuanced than you can imagine, but even Ahone can’t control the manitou. It is a force greater than all of us.” His knuckles slid down my bare arm. “Hecouldcontrol your characteristics. Your personality. But he couldn’t bestow you with your pure soul. That was out of his control, as hard as it must be for thecreator godto accept. But you can be sure that once he realized his good fortune, he chose to use it to his advantage.”

“For what purpose? I could have been anyone and all Collin had to do was grab my hand to break the curse.”

A grin spread across the god’s face. “Nowthereis a good question. But there’s no arguing that you were meant to be Collin’s, Ellie.”

This was surreal. “I thought you wanted me foryourself.”

“What I need from you is easily enough given. I’ll impregnate you. You’ll gestate my child, then give birth. If it’s successful, we’ll repeat the process.”

Disgust nauseated me. “You’re such a romantic. A girl needs a little wining and dining, you know.”

He lifted his eyebrows with a half shrug. “I tried that last time and it didn’t work. I’ve decided to take a more direct approach.”

“Sorry. Still not interested. And why would you care if Collin and I get together?”

“Ellie, Ellie.” He shook his head, smirking with amusement. “How easily you forget. WhywouldI care if you were perfect for Collin? It’s all part of Ahone’s game.”

Okeus lifted his hands from his body and shrugged, his grin fading. He began to slowly circle me, but I was too paralyzed with shock to stop him. Why would Ahone care if Collin fell for me? He wanted Collin to open the gate, but obviously there was more to it, though I had no idea what it meant.

“You needn’t feel shame for your intense attraction to Collin. Ahone created you to be drawn to each other. Throw in your Curse Keeper bond and your souls’ strong connection…well, I’m not sure why you fight him. It’s a waste of energy.”

Obviously, he had brought me here for a reason, and it had to be more than just an opportunity for him to gloat. “What do you want, Okeus?”

He stopped in front of me, his forehead wrinkled with a mock scowl. “Soimpatient.” He turned away and walked back to his chair, sliding into his seat with a graceful flourish. “You came to Collin with questions, did you not? I would like to give you answers.”

“Why would you help me?”

He sighed, rolling his eyes in boredom. “To prove to you that I have no hard feelings over our last encounter, nor over your foolish decision to choose Ahone instead of me.”

I shook my head, my eyes narrowing in suspicion. “No. You’re not altruistic. You want something in return. Even if it’s a long-term payoff.”

He shifted in his seat. “Ellie, you know what I want. Perhaps you’ll be more compliant if I make a goodwill gesture.”

I clenched my fists at my sides. “I’ll never agree to become pregnant with your child, so you might as well send me back now.”

His elbow rested on the arm of the chair and he set his right cheek on his upraised fist. “I think I’ll overlook your rude and shortsighted request and help you anyway.” He sat up slightly. “I believe you want to know about your friend’s ability to see the souls of those who have yet to cross over to the spirit world.”

My mouth gaped. “Claire?”

“Yes, her. And the answer is yes, there are some who possess this gift. You can use your friend to your advantage.”

A cold chill shot through me. “Did Ahone set her up too?” I was already positive that Ahone was responsible for bringing David into my life; was it too much to think he’d involve Claire in his plans too?

“No, I suspect not. She has the potential to be useful in sniffing out his deceptions. The souls of the departed are not easily fooled.”

My father instantly came to mind. The last time I’d joined hands with Collin in the ocean, I’d seen my deceased father, who had given me a message from Ahone. My back stiffened. “Are you calling my father a fool?”

“Did Ahone send your father to you after my plan failed?” Okeus laughed, shaking his head. “So unoriginal.”

“The man with you was not my father.”
