Page 28 of The Curse Defiers

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“Kalona is the equivalent of the angel of death.”

I sighed. “Of coursehe is.”

“He may be called an angel, but he’s really a demon. If we can figure out a way for you to defeat a demon without Collin’s help, you can defeat Kalona. And without their leader, the Raven Mockers will be lost. They’ll crawl back into their holes until someone else takes control.”

“That’s a bigif, David.”

“You can do this, Ellie. And I think I know how.” He squeezed my hand. “I know we’re going to talk to Allison about the weapons she saw, but I also want to visit the library while we’re there. There are a few books and documents I want to review, and one letter that I’m eager to reread. It tells the story of a Croatan conjurer who created two weapons capable of defeating demons.”


“A gold ring created by an Englishman, consecrated and carved with Croatan symbols by a Croatan conjurer. The other is a spear. I know there’s more to the story, but I’ve forgotten. It seemed like an ancillary tale at the time. But I know the document is in the archives. Once we find it, we can figure everything out.”

“You sound so certain that I can do this, that I can fight these things on my own.”

His eyes widened in disbelief. “Ellie, how could I not be?”

But he’d been so certain I could defeat the badgers on my own too, and look how that had turned out.

We spent the next couple hours of the four-hour drive with David catching me up on the latest findings at the colony site. While he was most interested in Manteo’s dwelling, there were nearly thirty other buildings that had been inhabited by the colonists, one of which had been the home of my multi-great grandfather, Ananias Dare, and his wife and infant daughter.

I considered telling him about Claire’s reawakened ability and my new memory about Ahone, but I decided both were serious enough to require his undivided attention. We’d get into Chapel Hill early enough for me to tell him. But there was something else that couldn’t wait.

My guilt over what had happened with Collin started eating me alive, getting worse the longer we were in the car. I needed to tell him. Now. David would understand why I had met with him, so I needed to just put it out in the open. “David, there’s something I have to tell you.”

David shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “Actually, there’s something I need to tell you first. I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to bring it up, so I’m just going to come out with it.”

My breath stuck in my chest. I wasn’t sure how many more surprises I could take today. “Okay. What?”

“Allison’s not just a colleague.”

“Okay,” I said, hesitantly.

David shot me a glance before looking out the windshield. “Allison is my old girlfriend.”

“Your old girlfriend is a history professor?”


I felt like I’d been doused in ice water. It was hard enough to accept that David not only had a college education but a master’s and doctorate degree, while all I had was a Manteo High School diploma and a Dare County food worker’s certificate. But what had I expected? He worked at a university, and while plenty of students were interested in him, he would never get involved with one. Of course he had dated a fellow professor.

“I should have told you sooner.”

My mouth dried up and I took a breath before answering. “Why didn’t you?” I didn’t want to think of the implications.

“I was afraid it could get messy—” he cast a glance in my direction before returning his attention to the road “—onherend, and I didn’t want to worry you. I was the one to end our relationship, and I know she hoped I would change my mind. Given the circumstances, there’s a chance that this lead will turn out to be nothing.”

Great, just what I needed—a jealous ex-girlfriend to add to my list of adversaries. “I guess we won’t know until we see whatever it is she wants to show you, right?”

He took a deep breath, then released it. “I have no reason to believe she’ll be anything but professional. Allison was never overly dramatic or emotional. And I told her that you’d be with me. Still, I’m worried.”

“The ex-girlfriend and the new one together in the same room. I can see why you might be on edge,” I tried to tease, but I wasn’t any more happy about the situation than he was. I could only imagine how ecstatic Allison had to be about David’s new,youngergirlfriend.

“I would suggest I go alone, but this concerns you too and I think you should be there. That being said, if it makes you uncomfortable—”

“I’ll be fine. And don’t worry. I’m not jealous.” And I wasn’t, not really. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that David wanted to be with me, that I could count on him to always be there. And I believed him. I had no worries that he would dump me after meeting with his old girlfriend this weekend.

My biggest concern was that I wasn’t good enough for him. This morning was proof positive of that.

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