Page 3 of The Curse Defiers

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“Yeah. Exactly.”

“Did she mention Okeus?”

A shiver ran down my spine. Obviously, David’s thoughts were headed in the same direction as mine. “No. I asked her if she had a message for me from Okeus, and she said I would see the ‘Great One’ soon enough. As though he wasn’t enough of a pompous ass without the new title.”

His hold tightened and he sat up, burying his face into the crook of my neck. “I’m trying to figure out a way to protect you.”

I lifted my hand to his face, my thumb lightly stroking his cheekbone as I stared into his hazel eyes. “I know.” I gave a half shrug. “But maybe there isn’t one. Maybe I’ll just have to be on high alert for the rest of my life to avoid getting ravaged by him.” I couldn’t bring myself to say raped. Okeus had indicated at our last meeting that forcing himself on me was option number two if I didn’t willingly comply. “You would think the tattoo of Ahone’s mark on my back would protect my uterus along with my manitou.”

“Alas, they are two very obviously different things. While your soul isyours, your uterus could harbor a life with its own soul.”

“I love how we’re rambling on about my uterus. It’s so romantic. Just what you want to do with your boyfriend. Next thing you know, we’ll be discussing my menstrual cycle,” I grumbled.

“That might not be a bad idea,” he said. “Maybe you shouldn’t leave the house when you’re ovulating.”

“I’m done with this conversation.” I started to get up, but he pulled me back down. “Besides, I’m on the pill now. Ovulation isn’t an issue.” But could that stop a god? How much control did Okeus actually have over worldly events?

“Maybe we can convince Okeus that you won’t provide the perfect baby for him.”

I laughed, leaning my forehead against his. “You mean like how irresponsible I am and what a terrible mother I would be?”

He placed a gentle kiss on my lips, then looked into my eyes. “No, more like trying to convince him that you’re incompatible DNA-wise.”

I groaned in frustration. “DNA was never the issue with the other women he used, David.”

He shook his head slowly. “I completely disagree. Okeus seems to think he was too powerful for the women who gave birth to his monstrosities. He thinks your Curse Keeper blood and power, along with the fact that you’re a witness to creation, will make you strong enough to give birth to a child who inherits both your powers. But what if we can convince him that he’s wrong?”

I gave him a blank stare. “You want to convince a malevolent, egotistical, arrogant god that he’s wrong?” I climbed out of his lap and shook my head. “Good luck with that, David. I’m going to bed.”

He stood and grabbed my hand, twining our fingers together. “Ellie, don’t get frustrated with me,” he said, sounding tired. “I’m doing my best.”

I felt like a bitch. After being out in the heat all day working at the colony site, he’d returned home to help with the bed and breakfast. Then he had spent the rest of the evening researching for information to help me. I locked my hands around the back of his neck and rested my cheek on his chest. “I’m sorry. You deserve better.”

“Ellie.” He tilted my chin up to look into his face. “We’re both exhausted.” He paused and his eyes turned serious. “Why don’t you quit working at the restaurant? My university salary isn’t a lot, but it’s enough to cover our expenses here. Especially if I sublet my house in Chapel Hill.”

I released a heavy sigh. “We’ve discussed this before. You don’t owe me anything. I can’t let you do that. It’s bad enough that you’re working at the inn when I’m not here. Not to mention the money you spent buying back my father’s pocket watch.”

“You’re protecting humanity,” he said with a small smile. “The financial strain shouldn’t fall squarely on your shoulders.”

“And it shouldn’t have to fall on yours either.” My voice rose in frustration. I needed to be quieter. Several researchers visiting the colony site were staying in the main house, and I didn’t want to wake them.

“Ellie,” he whispered gently. “It’s okay.”

I took a deep breath and pressed my cheek to his chest again. Just his tender voice helped center me. What would I ever do if he grew tired of me and my crankiness? I’d become so dependent on him in such a short time. I didn’t know how I’d survive without him. My boss at the New Moon was awful, and I’d have loved nothing more than to quit. Still, being totally dependent on Collin had bitten me in the ass. Granted, this situation was totally different, but it was difficult enough to accept that I needed David so much emotionally—I wasn’t sure I could give up my financial independence too. “I need to take care of myself.”

He stroked the back of my head. “I know, love. I know. But you’re getting worn out and you haven’t even really had to battle anything yet. Just consider it, okay? You would have your hands more than full with the B&B.”

“Okay. I’ll consider it.”

“Let’s go to bed.”

I nodded my agreement, and we headed upstairs to my childhood bedroom. When I let go of my apartment and moved back home, David had suggested we sleep in Myra’s room, but her things were all still there, awaiting her return in December. But I knew deep in my gut she wouldn’t be back. She’d just started her dream job at Duke University—working in the history department—and had begun a relationship with one of the professors. Myra had spent the past several years caring for my father as his illness slowly stripped him away from us, so I was grateful that she had found happiness and love. She was also so much safer two hundred miles away than she would be at home. But I missed her like crazy, even if she’d been avoiding my calls lately.

After I stripped off my clothes and put on a short nightgown, I climbed into bed, snuggling into David’s side.

His fingers lightly stroked my arm. “Ellie, I think you should stop taking guests in the main house, even if they are researchers.”

I propped up on my elbow, searching his face, which was spotlit by the full moon. “But we’re bringing in extra money.”
