Page 35 of The Curse Defiers

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I arched my back and stretched. “What time is it?”

“Seven fifteen.”

“I haven’t slept this late in weeks.” I sat up, propped my pillow against his headboard, and leaned back. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

David set his cup on the nightstand. “You needed the sleep, and I loved watching you.”

“Well, you obviously have coffee, but is there anything to eat?”

He leaned over and gave me a kiss.

“I was talking about actual food.”

He pushed me back down. “Did I mention how sexy you looked standing in my doorway last night, wearing my shirt with nothing on underneath?”

I grinned. “No. You didn’t.”

His mouth covered mine as his hand slipped under the covers and up my shirt. “We have an hour and forty-five minutes and I live ten minutes from the library.”

“Don’t we have something more important to do?” I asked, my chest rising and falling in quick bursts.

A huge smile spread across his face. “I can’t think of a single bloody thing.”

“Well, all right then.” I reached behind his head and pulled his mouth to mine, kissing him hard. A half an hour later, we lay in bed naked, our arms and legs tangled.

“As crazy as it is in all this chaos, I’ve never known such contentment as I feel with you, Ellie.”

I sighed with my own contentment, even if it was tinged with guilt. David was the man I wanted. The one whom I had chosen. I’d be damned if some asshole gods thought they could control that part of my life. “I know exactly what you mean, but I want it to last. Let’s go find some answers in your books.” I sat up. “But first you need to feed me breakfast. I’ve worked up an appetite.”

After we got ready for the day and stopped to pick up breakfast sandwiches and coffee on the way to the campus, David parked in the faculty parking lot at eight fifty.

“We need to stop at the coffee shop on the way to the library,” David said as he took the keys out of the ignition.

“We just got coffee.”

“Oh, this isn’t for us.” He climbed out of the car, slinging his bag over his shoulder.


As we started to walk across the campus, he shot me a sly grin. “This is for Penelope, the archivist I usually work with. I’m lucky she works on Saturdays.”

“You’re bringing the archivist coffee?”

“This morning I made a list online of all the books and documents I want to see and uploaded it to the system, but one of them is an older letter that will require more attention. This is my way of saying thank-you.”

“What?” I laughed. “Your good looks, charming smile, and sexy accent aren’t enough to get her to help you?”

He shot me an ornery look. “Penelope can see right through that nonsense.”

“Then I can’t wait to meet Penelope.”

The coffee shop was in the bookstore, which happened to be on the way to the library. Once we reached the library, David logged on to one of the computers and printed out his list of requested documents before taking it to the desk.

“Well, Dr. Preston.” A woman with graying dark hair beamed from behind the desk. “I haven’t seen you in ages.”

“I’ve been working in Manteo. At the colony site.”

Her eyes widened. “What I wouldn’t give to see that.”
