Page 41 of The Curse Defiers

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I’d never thought of that before. “Do you think it would work?”

He searched my face. “It might be worth a try.”

I released a sigh and stood, breaking free of his hold. “Does it say anything else?” A hint of irritation laced my words. I wasn’t frustrated with David, though, just my own broken memory. I wasn’t sure hypnosis was the answer. Did I really want a psychologist hearing my memories of the curse? I’d probably get a one-way ticket to the loony bin.

“It says the ceremony ended and the gate disappeared and the demons along with it, but the older spirit stayed and told the Englishman that one day the curse would break and his ancestor would need the ring. That she was to stand next to the gate and recite the inscription on the band and reseal the gate. That her survival would depend on it.” David looked up. “Her. All mentions of the Keepers on both sides seem to refer to them as men. Do you remember there ever being a female Keeper on the Dare line before you?”

I scoured my memory and shook my head, my breath catching. “No. Collin said his grandmother was a Keeper. She was only the third female Keeper in the Manteo line. But Daddy never mentioned a woman on our side.”

David’s mouth puckered with concentration. “It’s not surprising that women would be the Keeper in the Manteo line. The Croatan were a matriarchal society. Although the conjurors were traditionally men.”

“So thehercould have been a Manteo Keeper?”

David shook his head. “I don’t think so. Ahone told the Englishman—a Dare Keeper—thathisancestor’s survival would depend on it.”

If theherreferred to me, Ahone had predicted my birth over three hundred years ago. This had all been planned centuries ago. “Ahone had the letter sent here.”

“You don’t know that.”

My gaze found his. “Yes. I do. It goes back so much further than I thought it did.” It was past time to tell him about my chat with Okeus. I shouldn’t have kept it from him for this long. “When I was at the beach yesterday, Collin and I joined hands when I was in the ocean. I had a vision of sorts. I was in the field where I saw my dad. Only this time, I saw Okeus.”

“What?” he shot out of his seat and stood in front of me. “Why didn’t you tell me? Did he try to hurt you?”

I understood his concern after my last encounter with the god. I shook my head. “No, he didn’t, and I’m not sure why I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want to worry you, I guess.”

“Ellie.” The disappointment in his voice killed me.

“He told me that Ahone had orchestrated my birth. That my mother had experienced five miscarriages before giving birth to me.”

He blinked in surprise. “Did she?”

“I don’t know.” I turned away and moved to the window. “I know my parents had fertility issues. They were older when I was born. It’s not outside the realm of possibility.”

“But why?”

I couldn’t bring myself to tell him what Okeus had told me about Ahone wanting to create the perfect counterpart to Collin. “Who knows why they do what they do? Maybe he was waiting for a Keeper who was a witness to creation.” I shrugged, hoping I was convincing. “Like I told you, Ahone was there the night my mother was murdered too.” I spun around to face him, my face burning with anger. “He’s a fucking god, David,” I said. “He could have saved her that night, but he only saved me. He kept me hidden while I listened to her screams. I couldn’t help her.”

David’s eyes widened. “What did you just say?”

I shook my head, fighting a faint feeling. Where hadthatcome from? Was it true?

“Ahonesaved you?” he asked.

I moved to the desk and sat on the edge. Too many things were happening and too many memories were rushing back to me before fading away just as quickly. I needed to get myself together. “It just popped into my head. I knew he kept me from going downstairs, but somehow I know he did even more to protect me. I just can’t remember what.”

He released a deep breath. “Wow. Okay. Ahone really wanted you alive. That’s good.”

“Is it? Okeus wants to use me because I’m a witness to creation, but at least he’s semi-honest about it. Ahone’s a sneaky bastard who’s trying to get what he wants without admitting to any of it. He was the one who told Collin to open the gate. He was the one who tricked him. Why would he want me to use the ring? For what purpose?” I’d spent a good part of the morning mulling it over while I scanned page after page, coming up with nothing.

Until now.

My eyes widened. “The inscription. He wants me to recite it at the gate. That’s exactly what Ahone told my ancestor I needed to do.” I shook my head in disgust. “I’m not giving that bastard what he wants. I don’t think I should use it.”

David’s jaw dropped. “What do you mean youshouldn’tuse the ring? We just found out that it’s real and you can use it on your own. Without Collin.” He took a step back and ran his hand over his head. “Ellie, Ahone told the Dare Keeper that the ring would save your life by locking up the demons. No Collin needed.Why wouldn’t you use it?”

“Because that’s what Ahone wants, David! He’s using me. I don’t trust him, so I don’t trust the ring either.” I looked down at the vile thing on my hand. It had gotten my mother killed. I was certain of it. Was Ahone planning to sacrifice me as well? “I will never side with Ahone again.”

“You’re not seriously thinking about siding with Okeus, are you?”
