Page 45 of The Curse Defiers

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I cast a glance toward the bathroom door. The shower had turned off, but the door was still closed. I could use this to my advantage. If I was going to sell the bed and breakfast, I owed it to Myra to consult her first. “I’d like that too. There’s something important I need to talk to you about.”

“Oh.” She sounded surprised. “Is it serious?”

“It’s about the inn.”

“Is everything okay?”

“I’d rather talk in person.”

“Of course, Ellie. How about I text you directions to my apartment? Can you be here around ten?”

“Yes, sounds perfect. Thanks, Myra. I love you.”

She paused. “Me too.”

A few moments later, the bathroom door opened and David emerged, walking into the bedroom completely naked. I felt warm just looking at him, my fingers itching to touch his still wet skin.

He caught me watching him and grinned. “You having second thoughts about going tonight?”

“No, but I’m wondering if we can be fashionably late.”

“Nope.” He laughed. “Let’s go on time, stay as long as we feel like it, and then you can bring me home and ravish me.”

I smirked as he brushed past me. “You think you can turn me down?”

“I will tonight. I’m always on time, so my friends will wonder why I’m late. And the guys will take one look at you and know.” He gave me a passionate kiss and then lifted his head to smile at me. “And I’d prefer not to give them a reason to think about you like that.”

I lifted my eyebrows in amusement. “You’re jealous?”

“Not typically, but tonight I’m feeling a bit protective. I confess, it’s caught me a little off guard.”

“You act like you’ve never had a girlfriend before,” I teased.

He turned serious, his hand cupping my neck, his thumb brushing along my jawline. “You know you’re the only one I’ve ever loved.”

For some reason, his words were my undoing. He’d said those three magic words to me weeks ago, and I had wanted to say them back. At the time, something had stopped me, even though all the signs were there.

“Ellie?” He was watching me, a strange look in his eyes.

I didn’t want to keep holding back. I had no idea how long I had left in this world, and I didn’t want to waste another minute without letting David know how much he meant to me. I kissed him softly. “I love you, David Preston.”

His eyes widened in surprise.

I smiled as the truth of my words washed over me. “I love you.”

His arms wound around me, pressing his naked body against my clothes. He started to unbutton my shirt and then dropped his hands and groaned. “No. Later.”

I gave him a sexy grin. “Are you sure?”

“No.” He laughed. “But I’ve resolved for us to be on time and now I’m determined to see it through.”

I reached my hand behind him and cupped his ass. “And you do know that makes me even more determined to break your will.”

His mouth lowered to my ear and he pulled my earlobe into his mouth, biting gently, then sucking. “You are an evil woman, Ellie Lancaster.” His warm breath fanned against my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

“And you like me that way.” I laughed, but I dropped my hold on him. “You better get dressed if you want to beon time.”

I picked up the hair dryer and went into the bathroom, drying my thick hair until it was only slightly damp. After pulling it into a loose French braid, I studied my reflection, worried I wouldn’t be good enough for David’s friends. I was probably younger than all of them and far less educated, but David loved me. That had to mean something, right?
