Page 49 of The Curse Defiers

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Trina waited for several seconds. “You can’t stop there. Tell us more.”

Allison shifted in her seat. “I’m really not supposed to tell anyone, but I agreed to tell David what I saw.” A wicked smile twisted her lips. “Well, I guess you two work in the same department and share information anyway…”

I was sure an attorney would be able to point out any number of flaws in her logic, but Trina’s face beamed with excitement.

“You know I don’t know much about Native American weaponry, but I can tell you that there were multiple spears that looked to be quite old based on the warping of the shafts. There was also a large collection of arrowheads and ax heads.”

“We all know you were asked to examine something else,” Trina prompted.

“There was a large collection of pocket watches. One was identical to the watch in the photo David sent to all of us weeks ago. It’s really quite a find. I’m amazed there are two in existence.”

“Allison,” Cheryl said. “You said you were invited to see something that you were sure would provide the source for your next paper. Stop being so mysterious. Did you see it?”

For the first time since she started spilling details about the collection, Allison looked hesitant. “Now that I’mreallynot supposed to talk about. Not yet anyway.”

The woman turned her attention to me. “Ellie, why is David so eager to find out about a bunch of English pocket watches and swords?”

My eyes widened in dismay. I hadn’t planned on having to answer questions about the Ricardo Estate. I shook my head while my tongue stumbled for an explanation. “I…David…” I took a breath. “Since the majority of the colony site is composed of English artifacts, he’s found a new appreciation for them. In fact, the majority of Manteo’s hut consists of English items.”

Allison frowned. “Then what on earth is he still doing there? He’s a professor of Native American studies.”

Trina rolled her eyes. “Don’t be so shortsighted, Allison. David’s studying Manteo’s residence. What’s actually in there is less important than the fact that Manteo lived there. And even if some of his things are English in origin, they must still say a lot about how he lived his life.” Her eyebrows rose. “Am I right, Ellie?”

“Uh…yeah.” I never could have come up with that answer in a million years. I owed Trina big. But if Allison was willing to discuss the collection, I wanted to get as much information out of her as I could. “So did you see anything else that was particularly interesting?”

She cocked her head to the side.

“Well, did you?” Trina asked.

“Yes.” She licked her lower lip and grabbed the arm of her chair, looking nervous. “But if the Guardians find out…”

The blood rushed from my head. “Did you say the Guardians?”

Allison’s face paled and she stood. “I’ve said too much. I’ve never been good at keeping secrets. I better go check on the baked beans.”

Allison hurried into the house. I was dying to tell David our new information, but he was deep in conversation with his friends. This could wait a few minutes.

“Wow. That was weird,” Trina said, watching Allison slip through the kitchen door.

Cheryl cast a glance from me to Trina. “She’s been out of sorts since she started planning tonight’s get-together.”

Everyone was quiet and I shifted in my seat, wondering if I should get up and check on David, when one of the women addressed Trina in a serious tone. “The campus police say there hasn’t been any trouble here, but they’re being extra vigilant.”

My attention perked up. “Why would the campus police need to be vigilant?”

The three of them were quiet for a long moment, and then Trina spoke up. “There have been some missing person reports in Durham. Duke students.”


“Yeah, three in the last two weeks.”

“Just students?” I asked, suddenly worried about Myra. What if some of the spirits had followed Myra to Durham? What if they went after her to make me suffer? “No professors? My stepmother just took a position there.”

“No.” Trina shook her head. “Two guys and a girl, all students. Just vanished.”

“And the police have no idea what happened?”

“Not a clue. But I’m sure you have nothing to worry about. Your stepmother will be just fine.”
