Page 69 of The Curse Defiers

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“Do we have time to waste?”

“No.” The facts came hurling at me like projectiles. They had waited for me to get the sword before attacking. Then they’d only come at me one at a time, and the final woman hadn’t killed me when she had the chance. Why?

She’d said I wasn’t ready.

“It was a test,” I murmured. “She said I was stronger than she expected and I would be ready soon. But ready for what?”

“Do you think that’s the only reason? Then why would the Raven Mockers seek out that woman?”

I shook my head. “No, I think they targeted Allison because killing her could hurt David, thus hurting me.” My gaze stayed on his face. “But that was just a bonus. The main reason they killed her was because she saw the Ricardo Estate, and more importantly the Sword of Galahad. It’s the real thing, isn’t it?”

“It depends on what you mean by ‘real thing.’”

“The sword the Guardians possess can kill demons.”

He shrugged, looking unimpressed. “The sword you used tonight has the power to kill demons.” He hopped off the step and waddled over to a bush, pulling out the sword I’d used earlier, the blade wiped clean.

“You took Allison’s sword? Did she know what it was?”

He laid it on the porch next to me and resumed his original seat. “I doubt she had a clue. It belongs to you now.”

“Do I still need the Sword of Galahad?”

“You need every tool at your disposal.” But the end of his sentence lifted up slightly.

My eyes narrowed. “What’s so special about the Sword of Galahad then?”

His face spun to look at me, a genuine smile spreading across it. “Thatis the right question.” He leaned forward. “The sword they call the Sword of Galahad has the power to subdue gods.”

It took a full two seconds for his words to register. “Subdue but not kill?”

“You can never kill a god. But you can remove its power. The sword the Guardians possess has that ability.”

So, were the Raven Mockers trying to keep me from finding out about the sword? It made sense that the gods wouldn’t want me to have it. But it appeared the Raven Mockers weren’t following Okeus. The real question was what would they all do to stop me? “So it was a coincidence that Allison justhappenedto have a sword on her wall that was warded to kill demons when the Raven Mockers showed up to attack us?”

He shrugged again.

“Who’s in charge of creating all these coincidences anyway? Ahone?”

“That is for you to determine.”

I groaned my frustration, then we sat in silence for several moments. But the more I thought about how my life had been manipulated, the more my anger grew. “That stupid collection has killed so many people.”

“More than you know.” He sounded weary.

How many were there? “I’m sure my mother was killed because of it.”

He was silent for a moment. “Your life is like a spiderweb. There are many connections, finely woven, only there is more than one spider spinning your web. You have more tangled threads than I’ve ever seen.”

“Who has woven the threads? Ahone and Okeus? And can I burn the web and make my own?”

He laughed. “Surprisingly, I think I will like working with you.”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“Maybe it’s the wrong question.”

I shook my head. “I’m too tired for riddles.”
