Page 73 of The Curse Defiers

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She stared into my eyes for a moment, but then looked down. “You can probably hold onto it for another six months, possibly a year.”

“Not if I keep paying Becky’s salary. That’s a strain too.”

“It would give you time to adjust to the idea.”

“I’ve already adjusted to it. I’m ready. I just wanted to talk to you about it before moving forward.”

Her gaze returned to my face, but her face had hardened slightly. “It’s a huge job, Ellie, dismantling the house and the inn. I don’t have time to help you right now, and it wouldn’t be fair for you to do it on your own. I think you should wait.” Her tone made it clear she didn’t approve.

My mouth gaped in surprise. “I can close the inn and take a month to sort through everything. Of course, you’re welcome to anything in the house you want, Myra. It’s your home too.”

“There’s nothing there I want.” She shook her head and sounded angry.

Tears strangled my throat. “I’m sorry. I thought you’d be on board with this. You know the inn’s been in trouble for ages. This shouldn’t come as a surprise.” I tried to swallow the burning lump in my throat. “Please don’t be upset with me. I’ll keep it for now if you feel that strongly about it.” Myra was the only family I had left. I couldn’t lose her too.

Her face softened. “I’m sorry I’ve been so harsh, Ellie, but I do think you’re being hasty.” She leaned forward. “Maybe it’s being immersed in the history of the university that’s made me appreciate the history we have at the inn. Once you sell it, you can’t turn back. I think you should wait a little while.”

“Okay.” I disagreed, but there was so much turmoil in my life that I couldn’t bear to fight Myra too.

“That’s a good girl.” She stood and headed for the kitchen. “Let me get you more coffee.” She brought over the pot and the creamer and set them on a placemat in the center of the table. “But this brings up the real reason I wanted you to come alone.” She paused. “I’d like to talk to you about David.”

My back stiffened. “What about him?”

“As I said, I’m very fond of him, but I’ve also made it clear that I think things are moving much too quickly with you two. I have a feeling he’s influenced you in this decision about the inn. Am I right?”


Anger filled her eyes. “Frankly, he’s making decisions he has no right to make. I think you should slow things down, and the first step is for him to move out.”

My chest tightened. “How can you say that?” Myra had disapproved of several of my previous relationships, but she’d never been this forthright. “You know I need him. And not just because we have a relationship.”

“All the more reason to put some distance between you two. I think you’re still upset over your father’s death and you’re transferring those feelings onto David. You’re confusing your need for information with your need for someone to take care of you.” A small smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “You’ve gone from one man to another since your father became ill. Anyone with any sense can see that, and I’ve allowed your behavior to go on for far too long.” Her back stiffened. “As your mother, I’m telling you to end your relationship with David and learn to stand on your own two feet.”

I gasped at her bluntness. “I can’t do that, Myra. I love him.”

She shook her head. “You onlythinkyou love him. It’s not real, Ellie.”

My phone buzzed in my pocket. and I pulled it out to see if David was calling. When I saw Claire’s number, I declined the call and set it down.

“You were checking to see if it was him, weren’t you?” There was a snotty tone in her voice I’d never heard there before. “See? You can’t even have a conversation with me without letting him interfere with it.”

I wanted to cry, but I was too shocked and dismayed to let any emotion slip through the massive fissure in my heart. “I can’t believe you’re doing this, Myra. You’ve never been hateful before.”

Her expression softened. “I don’t mean to sound hateful, Ellie. I just worry about you. With all the responsibilities of the curse…” Her gaze landed on my right hand. “I see you’ve taken to wearing the ring. Do you think that’s a good idea?”


Myra’s eyes narrowed. “Ellie, do you hear yourself? All you can say isDavid thisandDavid that. You are a grown woman, and you need to make your own decisions without his influence.” She stood and picked up her plate. “You said you’re not working at the New Moon anymore. I take it that you quit because of your horrid new boss?”

I numbly nodded my head.

She set her plate on the counter and smiled. “Perfect. I think you should leave the inn in Becky’s care and come stay with me for a while. Maybe we can get you enrolled in some classes. I know how much you regretted not going to college. It could be a fresh start for both of us.”

I shook my head in confusion. “But just a few minutes ago, you said I shouldn’t sell the inn. And the semester has already started. Not to mention the fact that it’sDuke, Myra. I’d never get accepted.”

“I didn’t say sell it. I said leave it with Becky and come stay with me.”

My phone went off in my pocket again. I glanced at the screen and saw that it was Claire again. She wasn’t usually this persistent. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take of Myra’s planned reboot of my life, so I decided to use Claire’s calls to my advantage. I stood. “Myra, I hate to leave like this, but Claire has a crisis going on and I need to go help her.”
