Page 91 of The Curse Defiers

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“Are you planning to go to Charlotte without him?”

“Yes, but—”

He shook his head, his forehead furrowing so much that his bushy eyebrows became a unibrow. “Then we are done.”

He turned to leave, but I grabbed his tiny arm, surprised to find the hair on it so wiry. “What? Why?”

“You have all this power, yet you refuse to use it. When you are ready to fight the gods, call on me and I will help you. Until then, I refuse to waste my time.”

But to do what Tsagasi wanted would hurt David. “What am I supposed to do?” I asked quietly.

“Witness to creation, you are the hope ofallcreation. You are letting the emotions of one man cloud your judgment. What do your instincts tell you to do?”

I shook my head, frustrated. He was right and I knew it. “Collin’s untrustworthy. Even if he comes, there’s no guarantee he’ll really help. Collin Dailey looks out for Collin Dailey. Helping humanity—helpingyou—is very low on his priority list.”

His gaze remained unwavering. “Not everything is as it appears with the other Keeper.”

“You’re asking me to risk my life and David’s by trusting Collin.”

“Do you really fear for your life when you are with the son of the earth?”

No, but I didn’t trust him to protect David. And as difficult as it was to admit, David was the most qualified person to look over the pieces in that collection.

“You know what you need to do,” the little man said. Then he disappeared into the woods.

I stared at my phone for nearly a minute before I made my decision, but deep in my heart, I knew I’d never really changed my mind in the first place. Otherwise I would have already called and told him not to come.

I ended up texting him. It was stupid. David was going to find out, but I wanted to be able to deny calling Collin, even if it was a technicality. I texted him the address and told him that David was the only one who could see the collection and that I was going to wait for him somewhere close by.

That’s better, Ellie. Stay away from it if possible. Will he know what to look for?

I was surprised he was being so cooperative.

He’s looking for weapons we can use against the supernatural beings. We know there’s at least one spear and one sword. Anything else you know of that he should look for?

It was a full minute before he answered.


Liar.He doesn’t want you there, so stay hidden. I’ll text you once he’s in.

Okay ;)

I was in so much trouble. He was definitely up to something.


Iwas nervous the entire drive to Charlotte, so much so that when we were halfway there, David blurted out that he wished he’d left me in Chapel Hill.

“You don’t mean that,” I said, swallowing my nausea.

“Only partially. I’m feeling fairly calm, but your jumpiness is turning me into a nutter. Stop.”


He reached over and covered my hand. “Deep breath, Ellie. No one died right when they went to see the collection. They died days later.”

I twisted in my seat to gape at him. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
