Page 17 of One Steamy Night

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If there had been any doubt in his mind that Nadia was the One, it had been dispelled on the night they’d shared dinner together. Specifically, the moment she’d opened the door. Never before had a woman caused his entire body to burn. Up close she’d been even more beautiful and by the end of the evening she’d had him tied in knots in the most sensual way. Any other man would think such an intense attraction to a woman wasn’t normal. However, to him it was. He’d figured it would be that way when he’d found his soulmate, the woman destined to have a special place in his life.

Jaxon was well aware she had issues with accepting that place. Quite frankly, she didn’t believe that place existed. The text messages he’d received from her before leaving Forbes pretty much confirmed it. One had thanked him for the roses and the other had turned down his invitation to dinner. She had then proceeded to tell him that she hoped he enjoyed the rest of his stay in Gamble.

If Nadia thought that was the end of them, she was mistaken. There was nothing stopping him from figuring out a different approach.

His thoughts shifted to the call he’d gotten from his administrative assistant advising him of Gamble’s mayor’s request to meet with him. A meeting had been scheduled for next week but he would have preferred scheduling time with Nadia instead.

He’d dismissed their sexual chemistry as one-sided until she had stood beside him while they’d discussed the huge family picture over her fireplace. That’s when he’d felt it, not only the vibes coming from him but from her as well. And the chemistry had been there each and every time their gazes met during dinner. He’d known every time she’d looked over at him because it had resulted in him looking at her.

It didn’t take him long for him to realize the reason she hadn’t picked up on all those sexual vibes coming from him was because she’d been too busy trying to ignore those coming from her. That’s when he’d decided to feed her the cake. Doing so had certainly turned up the heat, which was the very thing he’d wanted to happen. It had been the very thing that had prompted her to remove her blinders.

What he’d thought about most over the last three days had been the kiss they’d shared. It had been everything he’d thought it would be and more. Although it had been intense and invigorating, it hadn’t been enough.

A few hours later he was back in his hotel room in Gamble. It was close to seven and he hadn’t responded to the two text messages Nadia had sent him. Now he would.

Instead of texting her back he decided to call her. Picking up his cell phone he punched in her number. The phone rang several times and for a minute he thought perhaps she would not answer once she saw the call was from him. He was about to disconnect when she clicked on.


He pulled in a deep breath the moment he heard her voice. “Nadia, I got your messages. I’m glad you liked the roses.”

She paused before saying, “They are beautiful. Thank you again.”

“You are welcome. As for my dinner invitation, I’m sorry you’ve decided not to go out with me. I regret that what I said the other night scared you off.”

She hesitated and then said, “Nothing about what you said scared me.”

He couldn’t help but smile at her strong denial. “Didn’t it?”

“No. There was no reason it should when it’s apparent you’re living in a delusional world.”

Undaunted by her words, he said, “That’s your opinion. We could meet and discuss it further if you weren’t so afraid to face the truth.”

“Truth? There’s no truth in what you’re thinking, Jaxon. I don’t like overconfident men.”

That’s what he’d been told. “You’re getting a self-assured man confused with an overconfident one. I know what I want, and I want you. I’ve been up front with you. I don’t like playing games with a woman any more than I like a woman playing games with me.”

He could just imagine her glaring him down through her phone. “Anyway, you’ve made your decision. Have a nice night, Nadia.”


He took his time answering. “Yes?”

“I’ll have dinner with you, and you’ll see how unafraid I am of you. And you can decide on the place.”

“Fine. I will do that and call you in a few days with the details. Goodbye, Nadia.”


He couldn’t help but smile when she ended the call.


Nadia stood in the same spot she had last week when she’d watched Jaxon arrive. Unlike then, when she hadn’t known what to expect, she knew now. He was a nice guy although a delusional one. There was no other way for her to describe a man who’d told her, without as much as blinking an eye, that he intended to marry her. Regardless of the fact that other than the surface stuff, they knew nothing about each other. Then there was the reality that they weren’t in love. In fact, the verdict was still out as to whether she would even consider them friends.

She’d heard from Rissa that he had met with the mayor yesterday. No one knew how that meeting went, although she had more than a hunch what was discussed. Nadia had no idea how much of an expansion Jaxon was contemplating and wondered would it be enough to help the job employment crisis the city would soon be facing. More than likely, Ravnel Technologies would be relocating a lot of their present employees and might not need additional staff. At least not to the magnitude the city was hoping for.

Thinking it was best to move away from the window, she did so. There was no need for her adrenaline to get revved up when he got out of the car. She would have more time to fully check him out later and hoped she could contain herself when she did so.
