Page 25 of One Steamy Night

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“Yes, it was. And I understand we’ve acquired more land.”

“Yes, we have. It was a good deal. Like Forbes, they presented an economic development plan that will benefit the town and our company.”

“That’s good to hear.” Although Jaxon kept his father in the loop, he appreciated that Arnett Ravnel never questioned his judgment about any business decisions. “And just so you know, Ravnel Technologies is sponsoring a holiday play being produced by the acting school here.”

“What’s the title of the play?”

“It’s a Wonderful Life.”

“That’s one of your mother’s holiday favorites. We can’t wait to see it.”

So, in other words, they would be visiting Gamble. Jaxon knew his parents. Ever since that day he’d shared with them that Nadia Novak was the woman he intended to marry, they’d been anxious to meet her.

He talked to his father for a few minutes more before they ended the call. He had time to shower before room service arrived with dinner. Getting into bed before nine was first on his list. If Nadia thought she had seen the last of him for a while, then she was mistaken.


“Did he really say that, Nadia?” Rissa asked, after taking a sip of her coffee and leaning forward in her chair. It was early morning and the two of them were sitting in Nadia’s office, sharing coffee and chitchatting like they usually did. Nadia had just told Rissa what had happened yesterday with Jaxon.

“He didn’t have to. Giving me his business card said it all as far as I’m concerned.”

Rissa rolled her eyes over her cup of coffee. “Well, you did want him to leave you alone. Not that I thought he was bothering you. Telling a woman of his intentions to marry her is not a bad thing. In fact, I think it’s romantic.”

Now it was Nadia who rolled her eyes. “I don’t agree and you’re missing the point.”

“Okay, what is the point?” Rissa asked, leaning back in her chair.

“First of all, the more I think about it, the more I get upset that Jaxon had the nerve, the very gall, to tell me of his plans to marry me. He probably only did it because some men have an entitlement complex. Benson thought he was entitled to me and so did Hoyle.”

“And?” Rissa asked, as if she expected more.

“And once I put Jaxon in his place by letting him know I wouldn’t tolerate his foolishness, he stopped.”

Confusion lined Rissa’s features. “But that’s what you wanted him to do, right?”

“But he didn’t put up a fight, which proves he wasn’t serious about anything to begin with.”

“You don’t know that, Nadia.”

“Yes, I do. Nobody can turn their feelings off like that. Granted, he hadn’t said he felt anything for me, but still. It’s obvious he no longer wants to marry me.”

“And that bothers you, doesn’t it?” Rissa asked, giving her an odd look. A look Nadia had gotten used to over the years. It was one of Rissa’s analytical looks. There were times she thought her friend was wasting her time in the financial industry and should own a psychiatry office.

Nadia knew it was imperative that she made her best friend understand. “What I don’t like is the thought of him being overconfident in thinking he could marry me and telling me such when he had no intentions of doing it.”

Rissa chuckled. “Now you’re being dramatic. You either want Jaxon to show interest in you or you don’t. You told him not to and he is following your request. Now you’re upset about it. That makes no sense, Nadia, unless...”

“Unless what?”

“Unless...deep down you did like the thought of him wanting to marry you one day.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

Rissa tilted her head. “Is it? You act offended that he took you at your word and is leaving you alone. Had he continued to pursue you, then you could have complained that you were being harassed. So, being the gentleman you say that he is, he is abiding by your wishes. Now the acquaintanceship has moved to a strictly business relationship and for some reason that is bothering you. I’d think you would appreciate him stepping in as a sponsor for the play. That’s wonderful and takes a load off your mind.”

“Yes, and I do appreciate it.”

“So, what’s the problem? What’s the real reason your panties are in a twist?”
