Page 28 of One Steamy Night

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His father had told him that it had taken his mother almost a year to see the light. Jaxon wasn’t sure he would last a year. He wanted Nadia just that much. He wanted her physically, sexually and all those ways in between. But he also wanted her for more than that. He wanted her to be a part of his life, the mother of his children, his partner in love until death do them part.

He had told Dillon he wouldn’t break Nadia’s heart, and he intended to keep that promise. However, the one thing Dillon and the others failed to realize was that if something went wrong, he might be the one who ended up with the broken heart.

Nadia returned to her office from lunch thinking that everyone in town must have read the paper’s headlines. Rissa had brought her a copy with a huge smile on her face. No doubt she was hoping the bank she managed would get the Ravnel business account.

Settling in the chair behind her desk, Nadia was pleased that the newspaper had also mentioned that Ravnel Technologies would be the sponsor of this year’s holiday play. She had just taken a file off her desk when her buzzer went off. “Yes, China?”

“Sue Ellen Donovan, ofGood Morning Wyoming, Station WKJP, is on the line.”

Nadia lifted a brow, wondering why Ms. Donovan would be calling. Earlier that year Nadia had reached out to the woman for an interview on one of their shows to promote the school’s spring pageant. The woman had turned down the request saying the event wasn’t important enough. Over the years, what had started out as a community awareness show was now only interviewing the rich and famous vacationing in the area. Specifically, on the ski slopes in Jackson Hole.

“Please put the call through, China.”


Upon hearing the connection, Nadia said, “This is Nadia Novak. May I help you?”

“Ms. Novak, this is Sue Ellen Donovan ofGood Morning Wyoming. We are excited that Ravnel Technologies will be expanding into Gamble and we understand your school will benefit. On Friday morning we will be interviewing Mr. Ravnel. Since we want this as a community piece, and it was announced that his company will be the major sponsor of your school’s holiday play this year, it would be great if you could be a part of the show as well.”

So now the show wanted to highlight something other than celebrities vacationing in the area? What a switch. “That sounds wonderful, and I would love to be on your show.”

“Great. I’ll see you Friday at ten.”

After disconnecting the call, Nadia leaned back in her chair. She would take free publicity for the school any way she could get it. The students were excited about the news and that made her appreciative of Jaxon’s company helping out. Specifically, bailing her out.

And hehadbailed her out. He’d even admitted he’d selected the school not only because of the family connection, but also because she’d mentioned she didn’t have a sponsor for the play. She would admit that was thoughtful of him. She would also admit something else. She did like him...a little. Her conversation with Pam yesterday had helped somewhat. Then there were the memories of the words Jaxon had spoken to her weeks ago.

My intention, Nadia Novak, is to marry you.

She quivered each and every time she remembered them. His words had been precise and he’d said them in a deep, husky voice that had flowed from those sexy lips of his. The tone had been so smooth it had taken her a minute to respond. Although at first she’d taken what he’d said as a tease, it didn’t take long for her to realize he was serious. Even when he shouldn’t have been.

During their coffee and chitchat time this morning, Rissa had come down on Nadia pretty hard. Rissa had accused Nadia of always whining about what the men in the past had done to her and how much of a disappointment they’d been, of letting her past hurts and heartbreaks be the cause of her not having a relationship with a man. She’d gone on to say that Nadia would never find out if Jaxon was or was not the man for her without giving him a chance.

Well, it was a moot point now since all there was between them was business. Besides, one heartbreak had been enough for her. She wasn’t ready to risk her heart on another. But what shewasready for was to be intimate with a man.

At twenty-eight it was probably past time and she probably would have eventually gone all the way with Hoyle if he hadn’t acted like an ass about it. Like he thought not only was he entitled, but also that he was the best thing in her lifetime, as if she would be a fool to pass up the chance to roll between the sheets with him. He was a typical male who thought his balls were made of gold. That was the type of man she wanted no part of.

So far Jaxon hadn’t come across that way. Other than thinking that one day they would marry, he was an okay guy. Even when she’d told him they could not have any type of relationship, he had respected her wishes. However, she couldn’t get their kiss out of her mind. Just the memory of it made her heart pump wildly in her chest and her mouth hunger for more.

For years she’d heard Rissa, Jillian and, more recently, Paige whisper about how wonderful it was to share a bed with a man. She’d even come home from college unexpectedly one weekend and walked into Dillon’s house to the sound of Pam screaming all over the place. It didn’t take long to comprehend they’d been screams of pleasure and not pain.

Her curiosity about the kind of pleasure that could make you scream was what had sparked her interest in Hoyle. Now, after sharing that kiss with Jaxon, her curiosity was not just sparked; it had been ignited. Maybe it was time for her to finally do something about it.

How would he handle her change in attitude of them going from acquaintances to just business to personal and intimate? Would he think she was fickle as hell? Probably. More importantly, would it bother him that she was still a virgin at twenty-eight?

Years ago, she’d overheard a conversation between the two Westmoreland cousins, Derringer and Riley, where they said the last kind of woman any man wanted to have in his bed was a virgin. Mainly because no man wanted to be a woman’s first, and most men wanted an experienced woman in their bed. Because of Derringer’s and Riley’s reputations at the time, she’d had no reason to think they hadn’t known what they were talking about. If that was true, then how would she handle what she definitely saw as a problem?

And another problem—Rissa had said the gold diggers around these parts would be honing their predatory skills on Jaxon. For some reason Nadia didn’t like the thought. But then if Jaxon wanted to marry her like he claimed, wouldn’t that give her an advantage over the other women?

How many times had Rissa said that Jaxon came across as the type of man who went after what he wanted? News flash! Nadia was that type of woman, and right now she wanted Jaxon. Not for anything long-term but rather for the short-term. She needed her curiosity appeased about sex once and for all to see what the hoopla was about.

Her approach to Jaxon had to be subtle. No man wanted to think he’d been targeted. That was another thing she’d heard the Westmoreland cousins say. A man didn’t like being seduced. They preferred being the seducer. So how would that work for her?

Picking up the phone, she called Rissa. Her best friend should be on her way home from work now. Rissa picked up on the first ring and from the sound of it, she was in her car and the phone call was coming through by Bluetooth on her car’s speakers.

“You’re alone?” Nadia asked, wanting to make sure her kids weren’t in the car with her.

“Yes, I’m alone. Why?”
