Page 41 of One Steamy Night

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When Nadia closed the door behind Rissa, she turned to Jaxon, ready to light into him about his assumptions about breakfast or that he might be hanging around, period. Maybe she needed to make it clear to him that last night was one and done. She was about to open her mouth when he lowered his lips to hers.

She knew what was about to happen but didn’t want to stop it. Jaxon was seducing her and she was letting him. He began torturing her mouth the way he’d done several times last night. After ending the kiss, he nibbled her lips from corner to corner and then used the tip of his tongue to lick around the lines of her mouth. When she made a breathless sigh, his tongue eased inside her mouth once again, took hold of her tongue and began an intimate, sensual duel.

If that wasn’t enough, she could feel his erection pressed hard against her middle and the more they kissed, the bigger he got. Then suddenly, she was swept into his strong arms as he moved in the direction of the stairs.

Jaxon had a good idea just what Nadia had expected when he’d swept her into his arms to take her back upstairs. When he entered her bedroom, he hadn’t placed her on the bed but kept moving to the bathroom. Once there he removed her robe before placing her in the warm sudsy water he had prepared for her.

“A good soak will help those sore muscles,” he said, crouching down beside the tub.

“And what will you be doing while I’m soaking?”

He smiled and pushed a wayward lock from her face. “I’m going to the hotel to shower and change. Then I’ll be back to take you to get your car. By then it will be lunchtime. Will you have lunch with me?” He knew to ask rather than to assume. The last thing he wanted was for Nadia to think he was calling the shots. He was beginning to know her well and the one thing she disliked was a man assuming he had any rights as far as she was concerned. So far everything she’d gotten was what she had asked for.

“Thanks for the invitation, but I have things to do today and I’m sure you do, too.”

If she thought that was her way to get rid of him, she was sorely mistaken. He would give her space but he had no intention of leaving her alone completely. Last night was a game changer for them. He’d never known any woman who was more sensual, more uninhibited, more open to trying new things. He’d never forget the moment he realized she was still a virgin. His chest had expanded along with his shaft, knowing he was the first man to go inside her.

Once they’d established that she was on a reliable form of birth control and they both were safe health-wise, he had dispensed with the use of the condom. Each and every time he’d come inside her he’d experienced an earth-shattering orgasm. Hell, he’d lost count of how many times they’d come. They’d even hit multiples a few times. There was no doubt in his mind that he had placed his stamp all over her. Evidently, she hadn’t yet seen those passion marks on her neck, not to mention other parts of her body. She now belonged to him as much as he belonged to her.

“Is there anything you need me to do before I leave?”

She lifted her chin. “Of course not. In fact you didn’t have to do this. I could have filled my own tub with water.”

“I know, but I liked doing it.” And before she could say anything, he leaned in and brushed a kiss across her lips. “I’ll be back in an hour.”

“I can call Rissa to come back and take me to get my car.”

Standing, he said, “I want to take you. Besides, earlier you said Rissa had a lot to do today. Whereas, I have plenty of time.”

She frowned. “Well, I hope you don’t plan to get underfoot by thinking last night meant anything.”

Jaxon had news for her. Last night had meant everything. “Are you normally this grouchy in the mornings, Nadia?”

Her frown deepened. “I’m not grouchy.”

“Yes, you are. While soaking, you should not only work out the soreness but also the grouchiness. I’ll see you later.”

He heard what she said when he walked out of the bathroom. Walker Rafferty had said he’d never heard Nadia curse. Jaxon just had, and his ears were still blistered.

He chuckled as he went down the stairs. Before it was all over, she would probably be inclined to say even more curse words. Nadia was headstrong, opinionated and had no problem stating how she felt about any given topic. She’d done so last night. She liked being in control and for a while he’d let her. He wouldn’t change a thing about her. But he would straighten her out on a few things. He was a permanent part of her life and the sooner she accepted that fact the easier things would be for the both of them.


Nadia didn’t lean back to relax in the water until she heard the sound of the front door closing and locking behind Jaxon. She couldn’t help licking her lips. The man had more sensuality in his lips than some men had in their entire body.

And speaking of his body...

Granted she’d never been in the presence of a naked man, but she couldn’t imagine one with a more trim and fit body than Jaxon. She had studied his physique like an architect would study a blueprint. Taking in the solid muscles that seemed to be everywhere. Even his coffee-colored skin tone had seemed to glow beneath her bedroom light.

And he was so well endowed. The thought of that particular body part being inside her most of the night, giving her pleasure, made her shiver at the memories. And when he’d placed his body above hers and stared down into her eyes, every inch of him had been compelling. She drew in a deep breath at the delicious and tantalizing memories. There was no reason to worry about her bathwater turning cold since the heat from her body was definitely keeping it warm. Jaxon Ravnel had touched her in the right places and had made a lasting impression on her while doing so.

And that was the crux of her problem. She didn’t want any man to make a lasting impression on her. But she couldn’t refute the fact that he had. Jaxon had made her first time special. Way too special. Both mentally and physically. He had made it worth the wait. And for some reason that was a sore spot even when it shouldn’t be.

She should be elated he had given her such tender, loving care. He’d even run bathwater for her in deference to her well-being. How many men would do such a thing? Some would not have hung around until morning. There were some who wouldn’t even invite a woman to their home for the night, preferring to always go to hers. She would eye-roll any woman who allowed such a thing.

A short while later she eased out of the tub to get dressed. Jaxon said he would be back in an hour and there was no reason not to believe him. There was a lot about him she was trying to figure out. Did he see their relationship changing or did she just assume he did?

Earlier, when he’d invited her to lunch and she’d declined, he hadn’t given any pushback. It was as if it hadn’t mattered to him one iota if she accepted his lunch invitation or not. And last night, she’d been the one to tell him she wanted to change their relationship just for that night. Did his nonchalance mean anything?
